|16|~Hello Cousin~

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Embry POV.
Celine in media. I love her ❤️ character.

My wolf is officially free!

"Now that we're properly introduced how about we have a little fun, shall we?" My wolf snarls, assessing Marko Polo with golden eyes.

Heat consume my entire body, especially inside of my chest. It's sorta like a ring of fire, going up and going down, moving to the right and then moving to the left. It's spread out all over me. Normally, it takes a lot for her to take over my body.

Not this time! Changing was way too easy. She doesn't shift into a full-fledged wolf. Thank Goddess! But she does have complete control over my body. I'm locked in chains inside of my brain, unable to break free.

Marko Polo growls at my wolf with bloody eyes still holding a fist full of my hair.

"About got damn time," he hisses showing his fangs. "I was starting to think that the little wolf would never come out to play.

Abruptly, someone lets loose at the car. Bullets, bullets, bullets! Are rocking everywhere. The car picks up in speed and my wolf takes the unexpected attack to her advantage.

She waste no time slamming my head into his face. She's not the one who talks, or play any type of games with her prey. This is exactly why I begged and attempted to plead with her. I hate blood shed, but my wolf thrives in the thrill of the kill like all predators because at the end of the day shes a wolf.

Marko Polo releases my hair at once and my wolf doesn't pause at all. She slams our knee into his chin fast and hard. Then she brings our legs into the air, wrap's it around his neck and then lock's our legs around his head. He didn't see it coming, or have time to anticipate an attack.

Within a second, she has him exactly where she wanted him, locked in place. It will only take one twist and his neck will be snapped. I'm more than certain that once she knocks him out, she will pull his heart out. You see, due to the tight confinements of the car she can't move how she wants to move.

However, make no mistake her defense tactics are efficient and deadly. My father made sure of that. We are the Wilde after all.

My wolf currently has Marko in firm head lock, which prevents him from moving, issuing an attack of his own and most importantly contacting a member of his coven. We learned a long time ago that snapping any vampire neck shall put them out for the count and leave them completely defenseless.

The car swerves and she squeezes tighter. One of the toy shoulders are shooting back at our unseen attackers and the crowd of fleeing vampires who can be seen from the window are scatting like ants but my wolf golden eyes are locked on him.

"Embry Wilde," Marko Polo manages to cough out, tapping my leg indicating mock surrender.

"Shut Up!" snarls my wolf, baring our canines at his face. "You talk too much! Your entire kind talks too much!"

"All talk no action,"she growls, and squeezes our legs tighter around his neck.

The car is flying through the city that never sleeps at full speed. Our bodies twist, turn, and jump into the air with every bump, but still my wolf holds onto him with dear life. I'm surprised she hasn't killed him yet. I take that into consideration and start to plead.

"Please let Marko Polo go," I speak to my wolf. "He is our mate friend."

"Screw our mate," she growls. "Screw his friend and screw anyone else who dares to place us in chains. Marko the Dumbo is dead Embry, stay out of this," snaps my wolf before shutting me out completely. My heart drops. She has never acted this way with me.

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