|62| ~The Fairest of All ~

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Embry's POV.
Lady Katherine in media.

First things first, I'm absolutely stunned by Lady Katherine's undeniable beauty.

Adorably coiffed shoulder-length rich chestnut hair, framing her prominent high cheekbones and delicately crafted jaw. Expressive and large soulfully deep almond eyes taking me in as she wears an astonishingly sweet smile colored gracefully across her perfectly plumped lips.

Oh, my Goddess! She's the fairest vampire lady that I've ever seen. The fairest of all.

Her posture is so straight and regal, showing off her aristocracy upbringing. That's another thing that I notice at first glance.

Lady Katherine without a doubt has be trained to be a queen. The Queen of hearts, judging by all the dreamy looks that can be identified on everyone's faces as they watch her, and that doesn't exclude me.

I'm still in awe as I take in her beauty. Lady Katherine's disturbing beauty. Wow!

As I stand here taking her in from head to toe, I can honestly say that the photographer who took the portrait of Cyrus and Lady Katherine was unable to truly capture how breathtakingly beautiful she actually is.

Oh, my Goddess! I just have to say again. It's no wonder where Cyrus gets his good looks from.

One might even assume that she is his sister before they believe her to be his aunt, like seriously.

Cyrus is ancient even though he doesn't look a day over twenty-three in human years, so his aunt has to be hundreds on top of hundreds, possibly thousands of years old, even though Lady Katherine doesn't look a day over twenty-eight years old if we're basing appearance by human years.

How is that even possible?

She is also very stylishly dressed, wearing a gold floor-length silk slip dress, if Celine was here she would say that Lady Katherine appears to be very chic and extremely comfortable I would just have to add-in. Overall, the silky gold dress is striking against her glowing and flawless warm ivory skin.

Lady Katherine beauty is the type of beauty that can capture a blinds man's attention and her sinfully sweet personality is so intriguing to me, especially when you remember the fact that she is an extremely powerful vampire, which makes everything so strange.

They are rumored to be far eviler than the younger ones but Lady Katherine's first impression says otherwise.

In fact, I can still feel the warmth from her tight embrace wrapped around my body. With all that being said, so far I think that I like Cyrus's aunt. "Speak for yourself," huffs out my wolf.

I think she is upset about the fact that Lady Katherine just nearly smacked the spit out of our mate's mouth.

"Behave," I mentally plead as she begins to pace around inside me. "It's a family matter. She's his aunt,"

"And he's our mate," she snaps back before I shut down our line of communication and then place my focus back onto my mate and his aunt, silently watching the scene before me.

Lady Katherine once soulfully deep almond eyes are now big, bright, and blazing as she glares into my mate's unblinkingly golden ones.

"How dare you?" demands Lady Katherine. "You've attacked a village full of civilians, declared war for no apparent reason, downright refused to answer my calls, and had the nerve to keep this darling girl away from me for so got darn long."

"Have you lost your everlasting mind?"

"I've done no such thing," lies Cyrus through clenched teeth, which earns him another backhand colliding with his handsome face.

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