|67| ~ A Night to Remember ~

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Embry's POV.
Beretta Banks in media.

The music is low; the blood mixed with amethyst is being poured, and the tent is full of exquisitely dressed vampire guests enjoying themselves. There are more strangers than familiar faces that are present and they are all equally anxious to take a peek at me, or more importantly, have a chance to meet with me personally.

Embry, Cyrus she-wolf beloved, I still can't believe it, and apparently, neither can anyone else here.

I haven't missed any of the disapproving stares from the immortals, nor could my sensitive ears ignore some of the negative comments that I was able to detect about Cyrus and me.

The vampires believe that I'm some sort of wild animal that might pounce on one of them at any given moment and that a she-wolf is unfit to rule a vampire Kingdom. They also doubt the love that Cyrus feels for me, but honestly, I don't care what they think.

For the first time in my life, I could care less about what other people had to say about me. I'm for Cyrus and I know that Cyrus is for me.

He is all that matters, being officially bonded to Cyrus makes me feel ten times stronger than I ever felt. It feels like I can take over the world or maybe more like we can take on the world as long as we are together. Our bond is that strong. I can feel his power running through my veins as if it is my very own and after tonight that bond shall only grow stronger. So none of their opinions about our union matters and I know for a fact that Cyrus feels the same way.

Speaking of Cyrus, he told me that he had some very important business to attend to so he left me in the hands of Gutter Butter and Speck.

They have been standing by my side ever since. Gutter Butter has been acting as my personal toy soldier, guarding me like a hawk, following me around like a lost puppy, and refusing to allow anyone to come any more than 6 feet close to me.

Some of his most trusted men are also surrounding us and Aunt Katherine has not wandered too far away with Ghost Falls in her arms as she mingles with her friends. On the other hand, Speck has been doing what she does best. Being Speck!

The guests are mostly nobilities from the House of Ettore or high-ranking vampires and Speck has been having a field day introducing me to everybody that is supposed to be somebody, just to tell me that I'm supposed to be better than them.

She's doing it on purpose, using me to taunt them and my wolf is all for it. Meanwhile, I rather not entertain the two of their nonsense. I really did mean it when I said that I don't care how anyone else feels.

Plus, it has been such a headache with remembering all of the names of the immortals that Speck introduced me to. It's way too many of them.

For starters, I was introduced to the guests of honor the Worlds Royal Advisor Elijah Vlad and his surprisingly super sweet beloved by the name of Anastasia Vlad.

Our introduction was brief, I really wasn't able to converse with the two of them for too long and I could only thank the Moon Goddess herself that my wolf decided to behave during our entire exchange; because she most certainly didn't give Cyrus cousin a chance.

It all started, with a handful of brief introductions. There was Akoto Ettore, Roman Ettore, Romana Ettore, and finally Alaric Ettore. All of them disapprove of our union, but only one actually said it to our face and that happened to be Alaric Ettore.

He's Cyrus's third, fourth, or fifth cousin, and they look nothing alike. When Cyrus is unearthly beautiful, dark, and dangerous in every way. Alaric Ettore is heavenly and beautiful in his own right.

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