|79| ~War Ready ~

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Cyrus POV.

"She's fine," the royal physician confirms in a panic for the thousand times as Luscious hold's him high in the air by his flimsy little neck.

Luscious, Marcellus, Seneca, Cornelius, Rufus and I caught him walking out of his office just in time. We need answers and he is going to be the one that gives them to us or he shall die. It's that simple.

Nicklaus kicked all of us out of his private wing and blocked us from communicating with him hours ago.

He's shut us out, refusing to give us any updates concerning the wellbeing of our queen right before he went on a killing spree nearly draining the entire Palace.

It was a massacre. He drained over a thousand servants and slaves and if it wasn't for Xander reminding him of the fact that Claire would hate him forever if she ever found out I'm one hundred percent positive that he would have killed, thousand's on top of thousands of more.

I was stunned.

It's really quite interesting if you sit down to think about it. I mean just hearing Claire's name was all it took to calm him and his monster down. To be quite candid, leaving Nicklaus alone with Claire seems to be the only thing that has been keeping his monster at bay and that's the only reason why we all equally agreed to let them be.

At least for at that moment anyway.

Plus, we had to come up with a plan about the damn summons. Nicklaus told us to go ahead without him. Due to his title, he doesn't have to answer the got damn summons, but unfortunately for us, we don't have the luxury. The council will hunt us down to the end of time for ignoring their summons. So, it's hunting us down to the end of time that it shall be because it's no way on this drenched in blood earth that either one of us is leaving while Claire isn't in good health and that's final.

She is our Queen. Her wellbeing is our first priority.

That's exactly why, we decided to say fuck that got damn summons if the council wants us they are going to have to come and get us, including Claire and there is also no way in this drenched in blood earth that any one of them will get anywhere near her while I still have breath in my body and of course all of the other kings agree with me.

It's a big fuck them! It's been time for their ancient asses to turn to dust anyway if you ask me.

Plus, we're not playing fair. One fight, we all fight.

We're war-ready.

So, war it shall be and that's exactly what we have been doing for the last past couple of hours. We are preparing for war and also patiently waiting for answers about what's going on with our queen.

Time's up! We need to know what's going on with her right now.

"Elaborate on fine," Marcellus raises his voice slightly from beside me. He hasn't been his usual annoying self since Claire's misfortune. In fact, he has actually been the complete opposite of annoying.

He's been extremely mollifying, helpful even and most importantly he has been the only person that has been keeping us all calm. Well, as calm as vampire king can be expected under these sorts of circumstances.

For the first time in history, he is taking this matter very seriously. It's a miracle, fairly fascinating if you ask me and I believe that we all have Claire to thank for that. He really does care for her deeply when in reality that is ten time's bigger than fairly fascinating. It's actually pretty extraordinary watching our little brother putting on his big boy pants just for the sake of his little sister.

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