|34|~Bitch Boy~

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Cyrus Pov.
Forrest in media.

Before Cyrus Found Embry.

I left Embry back at my cabin estate and I felt like such a dick. The look of mistrust inside her vivid and bright golden eyes that was on full display when her wolf presented herself disturbed me. The pain that my pretty little beloved displayed on her perfect little face disturbed me.

I hated using her good heart against her.

But I had to do it. I had to fuck with her head, so she could get her wolf to fall in line. I just had to.

It's for the both of their good. You see Embry is a really sweet girl and no one would be able to sway my mind to believe anything other than that.

Her father really did do a stand up job with raising her. She's kind, patient, and understanding but her wolf.

Now, her wolf is an entirely different story. She is a mischievous little thing. She is reckless and bold. A little too damn bold if you ask me. That little wolfs of my beloved maybe the cause of another Awaking war if she keeps it up. I swear it's like she only presents herself just to get under my skin.

Fucking little trouble maker.

I know damn well that Embry wolf took control over her body the moment she started flirting with my man for two solid reasons. First one being, Embry is shy as hell. She damn near dies from embarrassment when I give her a compliment. It's really adorable.

Secondly, Embry is not that stupid. Her wolf is but Embry is by far smarter than that. Anyway, none of that matters at this point. I'm sure my little pep talk put Embry's wolf back in place.

I've got other shit to handle like setting up camp bases, stationing our soldiers and insuring that the media stays the hell out of our business. This is exactly what I'm on the way to do right now. The raid on the Northern Pack territory has been successful.

Gutter informed me that Nicklaus and our Queen are on their way. Yes, the Queen. Nicklaus has claimed Claire which now makes her my sister.

Good Job, Nick! He has officially signed our death warrants but it's cool. We won't go down without a fight. Sure, the council will be pissed but no one gives a fuck.

Whoever attempts to harm my brother or sister shall die.

"Sire," greets Nicklaus agent Raphael as soon as I step out the car. "It's an honor to have you alongside of us on the battlefield."

"You may rise," I instruct the other soldiers who are bowing and showing their respect before I greet Raphael with a firm handshake.

"It's a pleasure, now what are the reports," I get straight to the point.

"King Xander and the Queen are in route. They are expected to be here by tomorrow night,"

"And where is the King," Why the hell would they separate?

"He's currently on his way to the camp base that's set up closer towards the Northern Pack territory, Commander Ravana and her unit are also stationed there,"

Good. That's one less problem that I've got to deal with right now. I don't have time for Embry and Ravana to be in the same area.

"And has Marko reported in," I still haven't heard from him and I know damn well he isn't dead.

"No Sire," reports Raphael. "He is still off the map,"

Hmm, interesting. Where is bitch boy number six?

"The hunter that you captured has been recently transported here. What should we do with him,"

"The hunter blood belongs to the King. He shall decide his fate," I respond, while walking into the tent.

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