|30|~ Cool People and Cool Places~

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Embry's POV.

Chapter Motivation: Cool People- By Chloe X Halle. I'm in love with Chloe voice. I truly believe that she was meant to play Ariel but that's just my personal opinion. I'm a strong believer that mermaids are real and so are sirens. Chloe is a siren. Idc! Idc! Idc! That's just how I feel.

It has been 3 hours, 45 minutes and 32 seconds since I have awakened.

3 hours, 45 minutes and 33 seconds since I've been riding inside of the car with my mate.

3 hours, 45 minutes and 34 seconds since Cyrus and I have been conversing about any and everything and 3 hours, 45 minutes and 35 seconds of me experiencing one of the happiest experiences of my life.

When Cyrus told me that he choose to drive, so he can get to know me better he wasn't kidding. He has utilized every second of our time together for us to properly get to know one another. At first, I was a little hesitant, meaning that I didn't really engage in the conversation.

I've always been good at listening to other people talk and express themselves, but I'm not wonderful at talking about myself. To be honest, I really never opened up to anyone other than Celine or Kaya but Cyrus really does have away with bringing out another side of me.

He started off with small talk, telling me details about himself, like what his favorite color is. Which happens to be black and I found that to be absolutely hilarious.

I told him that I thought that his favorite color is black because his souls is black, and he felt like my evaluation of his favorite color was absolutely hilarious.

Then, the both of us burst out laughing. We've been doing that a lot, finding one another to be absolutely hilarious.

Then, Cyrus started to ask me small questions about myself, like what is my favorite food or like what my favorite color is?

I told him that I don't really have a favorite food because there are too many delicious choices to pick from. Then, I changed my answer and explained that I do have a favorite food for each category.

For example, I have a favorite sandwich. A favorite cookie. A favorite fruit and even a favorite pasta sauce but I don't discriminate, just about anything that is edible is alright with me.

Now, when it comes to colors my favorite color is gray because my wolf is gray. Plus, I love the gray shade of the sky right before a thunderstorm.

Cyrus made a funny face at my answers and then said, "Why do you care about the color of the sky before it's about to storm?"

And I said that "I love the calm feeling in the air that always comes before a storm, so I love thunderstorms," and just like that we started laughing and then once again talking about any and everything. I don't know how our small talk about thunderstorms turned into a full-blown conversation about our lives but it did.

Starting with the pack that I came from, how many siblings I have and I also told him that I was raised by my dad. I didn't tell them their names because I don't believe that would be a good idea, with him being a vampire and all but I did stretch to him how important family is to me.

Surprisingly enough, him and I have that in common. Cyrus too is huge on family, but he believes that blood doesn't make a person family, loyalty does. He also confessed that his parents were killed when he was younger.

My heart ached when he said that to me. I know how it feels to grow up without a mother. Both of us have that in common. And I don't even want to think about growing up without my dad. The very thought of it pains me.

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