|27|~Bound To You ~

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Embry's POV.

My heart increases in speed as I think over this new piece of information. They are brothers.

My mate's brother is the man that killed my cousin. How can I kill my mate's brother?

A sudden and intense heat starts to blaze within my chest. I can feel my senses sharpening drastically, it's overwhelming.

A lot to take in. I can feel my mind shifting. It's my wolf.

She's back.

"Kill him," she growls, getting straight to the point. Well, talk about a grand entrance.

"Take control of our body and kill him now," my wolf demands viciously. She doesn't sound like herself. Something's off.

I don't respond and quickly decide that it may be for the best to block her out. I don't like how she sounds and I don't like how she's making me feel. She's never been this aggressive.

"You're weak," her last words catch me by surprise before I shove her to the back of my mind and block her out completely. I can't believe she would say something like that to me.

"Any she-wolf brave enough to go against me is okay in my book. I think. I can learn to like her," King Nicklaus's words also catch me by surprise. They take the cake.

I can't believe my ears.

"You do?" Cyrus suspiciously questions him and his doubt is well understood. I still can't believe that The King of All Kings just confessed that he can learn to like me. I mean I know he's not stating that he does like me, or he will like me but it's the effort that counts. Right?

"Wrong," my wolf words break through before I can block her out again. She has never done that before.

How did she do that? What on this Goddess green earth has gotten into her? She is starting to scare me.

I mean, really, starting to scare me.

Did I step into a parallel universe of something? First, my wolf disappeared for a little over 24 hours only to come back acting all hostile towards me, and then The King Of All Vampire Kings announced that he could learn to like me. This can't be real.

I've got to be dreaming or something.

My mate's movement regains my attention. He briefly touches my arm, sending shocks straight to my heart, and quickly dismisses my ridiculous I must be dreaming theory. The sizzling bubbly sensation buzzing inside of me feels too real to just be a simple figment of my imagination.

It feels too got damn good. There is no way that I can just make this type of feeling up inside of my mind.

My train of thought is once again altered as Cyrus removes his hands only to rub them throughout his hair. I can all but see his frustration.

"I think you killed her sister," He confesses, taking my breath away.

How did he know Kaya and I was related and what makes him think she is my sister? It's weird, I don't know why it feels so weird but it does. His words make me feel all creepy on the inside and I don't know why.

Captured By A Ruthless Vampire King (Book 2) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now