|22|~The Truth Hurts~

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Cyrus POV.
Speck again in media because I love her.

"Cut the shit Cyrus, I know that she's your beloved,"

Aww! Here it goes.

Speck the inspector gadget just don't know how to keep here nose from out of places where it doesn't belong.

"You know," my monster growls. "You really shouldn't have said that."


"Say what," questions Speck the peck. She's has officially plucked my last nerve. "The truth," she continues to test. "That's your problem! Matter of fact, that is all of you Kings problem. All of you are too afraid to admit the truth."

That did it! Within a second, my monster grabs Speck by her small and fragile little neck, slamming her into the wall without a little more force than necessary. My claws are digging into her skin as a warning. It would only take less than a second to end her life if I really wanted to. All I have to do is twist my fingers and it's game over.

"You're playing a dangerous game, little girl," my monster spits in her face. She really is.

"Don't you little girl me, ass wipe," she spits back. "I'm not afraid of you, Cyrus the virus," she insults and dares to look me straight into my ruby red eyes. "What are you going to do bite me," hisses Speck before her big and bulky heels comes crashing down on my big toe.

Ouch!!!!!! This little fuck! Almost instantly, I release her and bend over to touch my toe.

Only for Speck to go full throttle by smashing her pointy ass knee right into my ball sack. Sealing the deal!

I release a teeth chattering growl, while falling down onto my knees with my hands covering my precious jewels. I should've seen that coming.

What the fuck is up with all the women in this day and time going for our nuts?

It feels as if I'm about to defecate all over the floor, Classic! I'm going to kill her.

"You don't have the balls to harm me," tests Speck the Peck, while leaning her head over to one sided and staring me directly in the eyes. Meanwhile, I'm still crouched over in pain from the unexpected attack to my gold.

"You wanna bet," I hiss through clenched teeth with a groan.

"In fact, I do," she mocks and rolls her eyes with extra force. "Let me remind you Cyrus the virus that Aunt Katherine would have your head on a platter if any harms comes my way. Speaking of the Lovely Lady Katherine, I'm absolutely certain that she taught you to never place your hands on a girl," taunts Speck, deciding to make her way over towards the bar. As if nothing has ever happened.

"Who gives a fuck," I snap. Oh, fuck it feels like my balls have a migraine, the pain won't stop.

"You do," she snaps back. "And you want to know something else that I want to bet," taunts Speck, while grabbing two Collins glasses and filling them with ice. I watch her with my wide and bright red eyes pick up the bottle of my favorite poison.

" I bet that you'll claim the pretty little wolf girl before the next new moon," she continues, now pouring the liquid into the glass, followed by a splash of coke.

"Now, we can sit here and chew each other heads off, or we can talk like two civilized adults about your problems. Either way, you better start talking or I'm calling your aunt."

"You wouldn't," I dare to say.

"Oh yes I would," she tells me in a dead ass serious voice tone. Fuck, she isn't kidding.

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