|88| ~ There are Consequences for Every Action~

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Cyrus POV.

"The note attached to her head stated death to all leeches," Nicklaus needlessly reminds me.

I could give two shits about what the note said, or who wrote it. Coming tomorrow, their entire species shall be wiped off of my continent if I have my way and I will. So, who gives a fuck?!

Wordlessly, I continue to walk towards his private studies where all of the other kings have already started to discuss strategy, even though I don't give a fuck about anyone else plans but my own. The only reason why I even agreed to come along is that Nicklaus pleaded with me to hear the other's out, and Nicklaus never pleads with anyone to do thing anything. Ever. 

So, I figured that I'll sit through this pointless briefing session just out of respect for him.

The very moment, that the two of us walk inside of the room the other King's take a stand.

The energy inside this room is grim and reap. I can feel the other King's concern for me and their very only grief as well flowing freely throughout our bond. My loss is their loss, my rage is their rage, my pain is their pain because no matter what bullshit we put each other through at the end of the day we are brothers.

And even if that wasn't enough my aunt has found a way inside of everyone in this room's heart as well. She was a mother figure to all and shall forever and always be missed, gravely. Although, now isn't the time to grief the tremendous loss of this nation. Right now, is the time strike. It's time to take avenge my aunt and raise hell on this Blood God forsaken earth, and I shall, with or without the other Kings.

Mark my words, I will end them all.

"Shall we start," Nicklaus begins as he takes his place in front of the other kings and then turns to me? "We pledge our allegiance to the Blood God his self that every single soul involved with Aunt Katherine misfortune will be dealt with,"

"Accordingly," Luscious, monster speaks next. His eyes drip crimson. "I've finally been able to reach my people and the beast new camping grounds have been pinpointed,"

"I declare war!" hisses my monster as I begin to pace back in fourth.

My patience is gone, long gone. "I'm leaving at once,"

"We're leaving at once," Luscious corrects me. He came to me earlier today, telling me that he's coming to my Kingdom with me. His forces are already there. He also, advised that he found out that my beloved is staying in some safe house in the middle of nowhere with some mixed-species rebellion that goes by the name of The Secret Society.

Yeah, I know exactly what my beloved has been up to and how much she has hidden from me.

Matter of fact, don't even get me started on my beloved betrayal. I'll deal with her soon enough.

"As a result of the council arrest, the respected families have been stepping out of line," informs Marcellous monster gaining my attention. "Asking it is my duty to put to put the misdirected in, but I swear on my life that I shall join you on your warpath before the next moon," he values.

His usually normal overly playful shield has been dropped to present his monster's malicious true nature.

"And the same thing goes for us," Rufus speaks up for himself and Seneca.

Seneca nods his head. My monster detects his monster fury coming off him in waves.

"I'll to be returning to my Kingdom to restore order before joining you on your path of justice," Cornelius speaks his peace. "

Captured By A Ruthless Vampire King (Book 2) ✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon