|12|~His Rejection ~

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Embry POV.

I follow them through the busy streets of the city, take a sharp right and then enter a dark alley. The sound of gun shoots enters my sensitive ears, draining the blood from out of my face.

I make a sharp left, run a little further down the narrow alleyway and then suddenly come to a complete halt.

My heart skips several beats as my eyes come into contact with three things. Bodies, blood and my..

My mate!

I come in contact with the one and only, Cyrus. He is standing directly in front of the rusty old brown wolf with a pistol in his left hand, blood dripping down his chin and a huge all fangs hanging smile plastered onto his devilishly handsome face.

My eyes enlarge, viewing the scene before me and my nostril flare widely. The metallic smell of wolf blood hits my nose so hard, I almost choke. The murder scene in front of my eyes is dark. It is so monstrous and grim. I have to blink several times just to make sure it's real.

With shaky hands I cover my eyes, slamming them shut. Hoping and praying that the scene before me would miraculously disappear.

Seconds passes before I decide to remove my hands.

The scene is still here. This nightmare is my reality.

There is no way to escape this.

Tiny, black dots start to dance around my vision as I take in the entire scene. The elder she-wolf rusty brown fur is coated with crimsons. There is huge hole in replace of where her heart use to be and her insides hang freely from the open wound, dripping down onto the ground.

Her wolf body lies in a puddle of her blood and the gun wound in the center of her neck is wide open. Leaving the evidence behind of what has happened to her for all to see. The elder she-wolf death was gruesome, beyond terrifying but that's just the start of this horrific murder scene.

My eyes follow the bloody puzzles pieces of ripped, soaked, and drenched in ruby red flesh all the way to the small pile of bones. That's all that is left of the pup, tiny scattered pieces of his flesh and a pile of his bones.

His blood is scattered all over the ground. That's it! He is gone. I drop down to my knees in complete disbelief and the wave of nausea hit's my body hard and strong. I think, I'm going to be sick. I'll never be able to get this bloody picture before me out of my head.

I stagger forward, clutching my stomach and vomits up everything that I've ever consumed in my entire life. A centuries worth, of food and liquids explodes from out of my mouth and nose. It's too much. This is too much to take in.

I let it all out. My eyes release a river of tears and the contents from out of my body continue to spill. Everything!

My furry friend warm fur starts to move his head across my chest, attempting to calm me. His warm gestures have the opposite. I imagine the pup in his wolf form, rubbing his warm fur against his mother's skin in hopes of some type of comfort. Fur!

All I can see is the sight of bloody fur. Flesh, I can feel the flesh being picked off the pups bones. Death I can smell their death. The grim reapers ghostly figure is clinging onto my flesh.

I see dead people... Dead Wolves.... I can see the dead wolves that he killed. Cyrus, my mate caused this.

I can feel him approaching me wary and cautiously as if he's approaching a wild wounded animal. The she-wolf death clings onto his body like a second skin.

He did this. He killed them. No! This can't be happening.

I look up to him with a blurry vision. In this light, he looks like a dark angel. The Angel of Death! Cold and deadly. The truth of that statement causes my tears to flow heavier. I can't believe he would do something like this.

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