Chapter 9 - New people 1/2

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——— Trigger Warning ———
——— Eating Disorder ———

Tommy pov —

It's been a few days since the events that occurred at the shopping centre. Nothing much has happened since. Me and Tubbo packed up all our new clothes into the wardrobe and put the decorations around the room so it was somewhat more homey than before. The past few days have been pretty good, we all watched a few movies the other day, they ordered some takeaway last night and we all played some games on the TV downstairs.
It was nice getting to know these people. It was easier knowing that I could be in little space around Tubbo, he cared for me, he done better than Ranboo. Ranboo sort of just watched over me, making sure I don't hurt myself or make a mess. Tubbo made sure that I was happy, that I was having fun. I didn't trust the Phil, Wil or Techno to be in little space around them yet. But with how things have been going on recently, they'd probably find out soon.

Today was a quiet day. Phil said that there would be people coming over at 5pm, to meet us. Not many, just a few people. He did make sure that we were ok with it before actually inviting them over which was nice. We all prepped the house for the guests, placing some drinks on the island in the kitchen, some food out as well as some games. I guess it was more like a party now that I think about it, but I was still okay with it.
As it approached 5pm, me and Tubbo went to go and put some actual clothes on, instead of being in pyjamas all day. Which he been amazing, we have never been able to be in pyjamas for this long, we normally had to goto school straight away and do all of the chores. Tubbo wearing his favourite outfit, the one I actually picked out for him. It was obviously the black and yellow bee like jumper with the overalls to go with it. Funny thing is, the day he told me he liked bees was a day we were out shopping for outfits at our first home, and soon after I found that outfit and instantly bought it for him.
He loved the outfit, anytime there was a special event. Whether it was a party at the orphanage or a birthday, he would wear that outfit. And me, wearing my usual white and red top with jeans. I neatly brushed Tubbo's hair into place and then done my hair. It didn't take long before we heard a loud knock on the front door.
'Coming!' I heard Phil shout from down stairs. I grab Tubbo's hand and pretty much pull him down the stairs to the living room, to stand smartly and wait for the guests. Tubbo inched a little behind me, still keeping ahold of my hand.
'Hey what's up Phil! What's up kid!' I heard Dream say walking through the front door past Phil and straight towards Tubbo and I. Two more people followed along behind him, and then Phil.
Dream came up to me and held out his hand
'Nice to officially meet you...' he said chuckling.
'Uhh yeah... Hi again.' I said hesitantly shaking his hand.
'What's up little man, my names Dream' he said leaning in towards Tubbo, offering his hand out for another handshake.
'HI! I'm Tubbo!' Tubbo said reaching over my shoulder with his over hand and shaking Dreams hand. 'Tubbo... I see, cool name! Well it's nice to meet you Tubbo'
'You gonna introduce your friends' I mumble quietly at Dream.
'Oh yeah! I forgot about these guys.' He said turning around. 'Well, the one with the blue top and the glasses on his head is George, the other one with the White top with a jumper underneath it is Sapnap!' He said pointing to them in order.
'They have funny names!' Tubbo said quietly to me.
'Yeah, what kinda name is Sapnap?!' I say in a loud voice. Both Dream and George bursted our into laughter as Sapnap turned a little annoyed.
'Hey! First off, it's a great name. And secondly it's not my actual name, it's a nickname!' Sapnap said slightly offended.
'What's all this laughter going on?' Wil said peeking his head round the corner from the stairs
'Oh hey Dream, George and Sapnap!' He added on.
'Alright guys, food and drinks are on the table. Go pick at them whenever you want' Phil said returning to the group. To be honest, I didn't even realise he had left.

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