Chapter 27 - Silent treatment

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Hi! Just a little message to all of you. In the previous chapter you must've seen that Tommy cleaned out his wounds with a tap, and understandably some of you were confused at this. In the UK, tap water is safe to both, drink out of and clean wounds with. Obviously you do not want to do this with every single wound every time, as bacteria will get into the wound and infect it, but for quick cleaning purposes it is pretty safe. And also, this is a story so it won't affect Tommy in any way. Anyways. Back to the story.

——— Trigger Warning ———
——— Eating disorder/ Self Harm ———

Tommy pov —

I woke up from my slumber from the sound of Tubbo climbing down the ladder. I was still gripping onto the covers fairly tightly, letting go as soon as I realised.
'Good morning Tubbo' I said, pulling myself up to a sitting position. He walked over to the wardrobe and pulled out his clothes, closing the wardrobe and walking out of the room. He said nothing to me, not even a hello or a simple shrug. Absolutely nothing. I let out a small sigh, and tried my hardest not to have a sad expression on my face, but that didn't work. I laid back down onto the bed staring at the bed above me, like the night before. The voices quickly filled my head, blocking out any other noise.

"Hę døęśñ't çårę åbøüt ŷøü"

"Hę håtęś ŷøü"

"Hę døęśñ't ñęęd ŷøü"

They repeated for a couple of minutes before I was pulled back by the sound of the door shutting. Tubbo had gotten changed and done everything by himself.

"He doesn't need me" I quickly agreed in my head.
I got out of bed and walked over to the wardrobe grabbing some clothes and making my way to the bathroom to get changed. The bathroom door was slightly open. As I entered, I could see the deodorant, Tubbo's hairbrush and his toothbrush placed neatly on the side. I never put them there so either he done them himself or got someone else to do it.

"Hę døęśñ't ñęęd ŷøü" the voices repeated once more.
'He doesn't need me...' I mumbled.
'What was that?' Wil pitched in, scaring me.
'Jeez- wha-how- the fuck?!' I turned facing him.
Wil just laughed at my confusion.
'You ok there lil bro?' He questioned.
'Yeah... just getting ready for the day... Yanno how it is' I answered, faking a smile. Wil just turned away, walking towards the stairs.
'Whatever you say...' he replied. Once I saw him go downstairs, I turned back to the bathroom, closing the door and got changed. I got everything else done: my hair, my teeth and put on the deodorant before going back to our room. Before I could enter the room Phil shouted up the stairs
'TOMMY, TUBBO. BREAKFAST IS READY.' I let out a big sigh, already feeling sick. I decided to wait for Tubbo to walk downstairs with him, but as soon as he opened the door, he walked right past me. As if I wasn't there. He was pretty quick to leave me behind, I tried keeping up with him but he didn't want to be near me.

As we reached downstairs, the smell of a classic English breakfast came to me. Instantly making me throw up slightly in my mouth. We all sat in our usual seats, everyone eating their breakfast as I just nibbled at parts of it. I listened in on all of the conversations that were going on. Tubbo was jumping in on every single one of them, while I just sat back not being involved with any of them. I gave up eating and decided to leave the table early. So I silently got up out of my chair and took my plate over to the kitchen. Before I made my way up the stairs, I looked back over to the table and realised that no one even knew I was gone.

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