Chapter 10 - New people 2/2

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Tubbo pov —

I was only slightly confused as to why Ranboo was here, but to be honest I didn't care why he was here, I just loved having him be here. Ranboo was pretty much the only nice kid to me and Tommy while we were at the orphanage so it was great to see him be adopted as well. We would always talk about random stuff in the playground and was always keen to hang out with me.

We all got back to our game of Uno. Ranboo joined my team, even though we weren't playing in teams, and we soon called uno. I could see that Sapnap had two cards left, the rest had around 5 or 6. And then there was Tommy... he had like 15, Dream kept placing down +2's and +4's making him pick up cards, which he obviously did not like. My final card a green 6 and the current colour being a green 4. I was so close to winning when George placed down a yellow 4. 'WHY'D YOU HAVE TO PUT THAT COLOUR DOWN' I practically yelled at him.
'I'M COLOUR BLIND!' He shouted back, causing pretty much everyone to burst out laughing. I no longer cared that I couldn't place down my last card, that was just way too funny. I picked up another card and immediately placed it down on the deck. To my luck I had gotten a yellow 6, knowing I could still win this I leant back and waited for it to be my turn again. Dream placed down another +4 causing Tommy to pick up cards, and Tommy got mad
'You're just a little green bitch, aren't you' he said directed at Dream.
'Tommy!' Phil said in a stern voice.
'What! I'm not wrong!' Tommy argued.

'Maybe not, but you can't say stuff like that!'

'I only speak the truth!' Tommy said in a cocky voice while picking up his 4 cards.

'UNO!' Sapnap shouted, very excitedly.

Phil sighs, and then placed down his card. It was only Georges turn... then mine. I am so close to winning this. So so close. The card on the deck was now a red 9. George either had to place down a 6 or a wild card for me to win. Please, lord please let him out one of the two down. It felt like it was going in slow motion... or like time froze. He thought about it for so long. Before pulling out one card and slowly placing it down on the deck...
'PRAISE THE LORRRD!' I shout instantly placing down the green 6.
'That's unfair! He had Ranboo with him!' Tommy complained.
'Ranboo didn't help me though! Did you Ranboo?' I argued looking at Ranboo.
'Huh?! Oh uh no. No help at all.' He said, not paying any attention to the game.
'SEE!' I said turning back to Tommy.

We all gave up with the games and decided to watch a film instead. Wil and Nikki had joined us at this point. We decided to watch Wall-E since it was on TV. Apparently Dream has never seen it before, we all were shocked at that. Even I've watched it and I'm like..... a lot of years younger than him. it was a fairly crowded sofa so me and Tommy sat on the floor, me resting my head on his lap. I had gotten tired from all the games we played, oh and I also had a ton of sugar so I've probably had a energy crash. It didn't take long before I could feel my eyes get heavier. Pretty much forcing me to sleep.

— Tommy pov —

I was watching the movie and playing with Tubbo's hair, when I suddenly could hear the quietest purr. Tubbo had fallen asleep while watching the film. I hadn't actually seen him fall asleep in the same room as the others before, so I'm happy that he felt safe enough to do so. I continued watching the film, still gently playing with his hair. I waited for the film to be over so I could carry Tubbo up to bed. I picked him up bridal style, and quietly took him to our room. He moved around a little while I carried him up, and gave little moans every now and again. He looked so comfortable. So relaxed.

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