Chapter 16 - Theme park 2/3

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Hi! Just wanted to say before the story continues. I wanted to say that the stream went amazingly! Four of you amazing people decided to follow, which leaves us at 20 followers out of our 30 follower goal!!! In just TWO DAYS!! Like what?!?!? We are definitely on track to getting the 50 followers for affiliate eligibility!!! I think I said the challenge would be for 20 of you to go and follow so I'll get to writing and bring out 4 chapters in one day on Saturday. Please please please go follow all my socials, especially my twitch and YouTube. It would mean the world to me!

Anyways, love you all. Back to the story.

——— Trigger Warning ———
——— Lost/Panic Attack ———

Tommy pov —

It wasn't a long drive to get to the theme park. We took the main road for about 30 minutes. Tubbo stared out of the window for the whole journey, waiting for the moment the theme park was in sight, and as soon as it was, his face lit up. He turned to me shaking my arm
'Yes Tubbo, I can see it' I say giggling at his sentence. It was massive, you could see a rollercoaster go pretty much straight up into the air.

We parked up in the car park and made our way to the entrance, Tubbo basically running to it and dragging me along behind him. Phil stops us at the entrance. 'We've got to wait for the others, they'll be here soon' he said, sitting down on a bench.
'Can't we just go on one ride without them?' Tubbo begged. 'No Tubbo. We've got to wait.' Phil answered with a stern voice. Soon after, Dream, George, Sapnap and two other men came right up to us.
'Hey little guys!' Dream started off, The rest saying Hi afterwards.
'This is BadBoyHalo, and that is Skeppy. They're best friends and wanted to join us today!' Dream continued.
'Why does everyone have stupid fucking names?!' I asked genuinely interested.
'LANGUAGE!' BadBoyHalo shouted.
'What the fuck?' I said.
'AHHHH... LANGUAGE!' He yelled again, the rest of the group dying of laughter at the conversation.
'What, you don't like me saying fuck?' I asked.
'So if I said... FUCK SHIT BITCH... you wouldn't like it?' I yelled with an evil grin on my face. BadBoyHalo covered his ears and shook his head no for a few seconds. Skeppy moves in front of him, tears rolling down his face from laughter.
'H-Hi!! My names Skeppy! I'm Bad's bestfriend.' He offered his hand out to me and Tubbo. Before I could even think about shaking his hand, Tubbo took the hand and excessively shakes it.
'Hi Skeppy! I'm Tubbo this is Tommy.' He turns back to Phil.
'Introductions done, can we go on a ride now?!' He asks with a smile going from one ear to the other.
Phil sighed lightly and then smiled.
'Yes Tubbo, lets go.' The others followed along still laughing from Bads reaction.

We all made our way to the ticket booth, getting 4 kids tickets and 5 adult tickets. It wasn't too expensive, which was nice. We scanned our ticket and Tubbo immediately went running to the sign with the map of the park on it, pointing to everything that interested him. We decided.... well Tubbo decided, that the first ride we go on would be 'Dragons Fury' a rollercoaster that goes all over the place. We got to the start of the line and saw that a few people were messing with a coin just outside some fencing. After a few seconds a dragon popped up from behind some rocks and started talking to the people. After a while it hid back behind the rocks. We found it funny but was more interested in going on the ride. We waited in the line for about 20 minutes, once getting to the very end of it four of us were allowed onto the ride. Me and Tubbo got into the front two seats and then Wil and Techno got I got he back two, which was facing the opposite way. It took a few seconds before we shot off and up some tracks.

We were flung from left to right a few times, before being stopped. We were approaching a track going straight up about 10 feet before trailing off back down the other side. It slowly pulled us up to the top, inching its way over to the other side and before dropping us down the tracks, it held us for a few seconds. Just waiting for the cart to go speeding down the track. And before we could realise, the cart was zooming down the track, taking a picture of us half way through.
The ride slowly took us back to the beginning where we all got off and headed down to the exit, waiting for the rest to finish up. After another minute, the rest came flooding out, some laughing, some shaken up a little. We made our way to where we could see the pictures had been taken, obviously to see who had the worst face. They all weren't the best, but by far Bads face was the worst. We laughed for a few seconds before wondering what we should do next. We all looked to Tubbo to see him already looking at the map again. We joined him, pointing at ones we think would be good, before Tubbo decided we should go on a ride called 'Tomb Blaster'

We followed Tubbo to where the ride was and lined up. It didn't take long for us to get to the front. The line led into a dark building that was dimly lit. The carriage pulled up and the bars lifted. Me and Tubbo got on the very front cart and pulled out the laser guns. The rest sat themselves behind us two per cart.
The bars lowered and made its way around the ride. You had to hit small scorpions with red targets on them, getting 100 points each hit. Tubbo went and got 5800 points. I got 4300 and the rest barely got past 4000. Needless to say, me and Tubbo are definitely the best at this ride. The ride was too dark so there was no picture. We all made our way back out of the building and decided it was time to get some food. I'm not really hungry so I'll probably just get a drink. We walked for a couple of seconds before realising that a KFC was right next to us. We all waited outside checking what we could get.
'Hey Tubbo, what do you want?' I asked focused on the menu, seeing what he would like. I got no answer from him so I decided to ask again.
'Hey Tubbo, what do you want?' I repeated turning around...
'WHERE IS TUBBO' I shouted. Everyone looked around confused, and then starting to panic.
'HE WAS JUST HERE!' Phil yelled.

— Tubbo pov —

I walked over to the map to find what restaurants they had here. I saw they had a McDonald's so I just started to head in that direction assuming everyone was following me. It got a little quiet, I didn't hear anyone talking so I just assumed they slowed down. So I stopped and turned around to wait for them, but no-one was there. There were no familiar faces around. Just a bunch of families walking around with little kids. I started to panic.
"Where are they?!?" I thought to myself. I started walking back the way I came and found myself at the intersection I passed seconds before. The intersection split off into 4 different pathways, not including the one I'm on. I couldn't remember the path I took to get here. Nothing looked remotely close to what I remembered. I started to panic even more. Tears starting to build up. I fell to the ground and pulled my knees to my chest, turning myself into a ball and rocking myself back and forth. My breaths became quick and shallow. It got to the point where I couldn't breathe properly. All the breathes I was taking in wasn't giving me enough oxygen which just made me panic further.


Hi! Little bit of a cliffhanger there. I know the chapters keep getting shorter and shorter. And I'm sorry. But you might have to expect these kind of chapters for a while. Either way, I hope you still enjoy them!

Again, thank you to those 4 who followed me on twitch today. It really means a lot! I will get those 4 chapters out to you on Saturday, so keep an eye out for that. I would like to give another challenge since this one worked out excellently.

This time it'll be a bit harder. If 30 of you go to my Twitch and follow it as well as my YouTube and subscribe to it. I will post 6 chapters in one day. Obviously this will take a lot longer to complete and if you do pull it off, it will take me a while to get them all written up to be published.

Please do follow all of my social media, link is in my bio as well as the @ to those I cannot link.

Like always, let me know if you have any question/comments/concerns or advice. I am always happy to answer them or even get better at writing.

Much love to all of you!

Jake :)

Word count: 1391 words.

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