Chapter 20 - Monday morning

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——— Trigger Warning ———
——— Eating Disorder ———

Tommy pov —

Today was the day. We had to go to school. A proper school. This was not like the orphanage, this was an actual school with other kids. Needless to say... I was shitting bricks, but I was prepared. I knew that no matter what, I had to protect Tubbo.

I can't sleep, I'm way too nervous. I had to make a plan, incase something went wrong. So that's what I spent doing most of my night. I compared my timetable to both Tubbo's and Techno's. I need to make sure that me and Tubbo are close, and that if I had to find Techno, he would be close.
It was like 3am, and I still couldn't sleep. I got out of bed, carefully not waking Tubbo up, and sat down in the desk chair. I turned the desk light on and just stared into space. I stayed there for a while, just thinking about everything.
"Will I like my new school?"
"Will Tubbo like the school?"
"Will the kids be nice to me or Tubbo?"
This kept going until I felt a tug on my shirt. Tubbo had woken up and got up to get me back in bed. He tugged on my shirt a few more times
'Tom Toms... come back to bed. We got school in the mornin...' he said, letting out a yawn afterwards. I smiled softly at Tubbo and got out of the chair.
'Ok Tubs, come on.' I said, walking back towards the bed. I make way for Tubbo to get in first, and then I climbed in after him. I placed the pillow over my cast so it wouldn't irritate Tubbo while he slept, and then pulled him into me, placing his head onto my chest. Pretty much immediately Tubbo was asleep, quietly snoring as if it was a purr, as he slept. I chuckled to myself a little bit before shutting my eyes. Hopefully I can get to sleep... I need to be on top of my game tomorrow.

I woke up by the blinding light... I move my hand to block whatever it is making that light.
'Rise and Shine boys... it's school time.' Phil said overly excited. I adjusted my eyes to the light and could see that he opened the curtains.
'Couldn't just let us wake up to the alarm?' I stated to Phil with an annoyed voice.
'Nope.' He said, keeping in his excited voice. Tubbo slowly got up and walked over to the wardrobe picking out our school uniform, throwing my one to me. I let out a small sigh and got out of bed, heading out the door and to the bathroom. I placed the uniform on the counter where the sink was and got into the shower. I didn't take long to get washed up, because I know Tubbo also had to use the shower. I turned off the hot water and stepped out of the shower, drying myself off. I got dressed into my school uniform and left the bathroom. Tubbo was waiting outside with his towel, ready to have a shower. I walk past him and back to our room where I make sure Tubbo has all his things in his bag and then done the same for my bag. Tubbo walked back in with his school uniform on, that was a little too big for him, but it'll do. I giggled a bit
'Hey! It's not funny!' He said a little annoyed.
'Oh... no of course not.' I replied sarcastically.
I walked over to him, messed his hair up a little and then dragged him back to the bathroom.
'Have you brushed your teeth? Or put on deodorant?' I asked him. He took a second to process and then shook his head no. I sighed over exaggerating his response and put the deodorant can in his hand. Put this on while I do your hair. I said moving him in front of the mirror. He followed the instructions and put the deodorant on while I done his hair. I finished up and pointed to the toothbrush, indicating for him to brush his teeth. I picked up my toothbrush and start brushing my teeth next to him.

We finished up in the bathroom and made our way down stairs. I could already smell the breakfast and nearly threw up in my mouth. I pushed on and walked into the open room, seeing everyone else already downstairs.
'A little too big on you huh?' Wil said looking at Tubbo. 'Uh just a little' Tubbo replied a little embarrassed. 'Don't worry Tubbo, it was the same for him as well' Phil said giving a little laugh at the end of his sentence.
'You did not need to bring that up Dad.' Wil said.
Tubbo giggled a little and made his way to the dining table to eat breakfast, pulling me along with him. We both sat down at the table, Tubbo dug into his food while I tried to distract myself by starting a conversation.
'So what's the school like?' I asked.
'Uh well, its ok. Teachers are pretty nice... students... they can be annoying but you get used to them' Techno answered.
'Oh... cool. I guess.' I replied. That was it to that conversation, the distraction wasn't going well. I took a sip of my water trying to forget the smell of food right below me.
'So what classes do you have again Tubbo?' Phil asked while Tubbo had his mouth full. Tubbo started to chew quicker trying to gulp down what was in his mouth so he could talk. He started to laugh, which made everyone also start laughing. Once it died down and Tubbo had swallowed his food he looked up at Phil.
'I got Maths. English. History. Geography and then Reading.' He said.
'And are you excited for them?' Phil questioned.
'I'm excited for Maths, and History not so much Reading, English and Geography.' Tubbo answered.
'Why not?' Wil then asked.
'Uh well. I have trouble reading and writing.' He said, looking down at this plate of food embarrassed.
'But I've been helping him! And he's getting great at it!' I jumped in trying to lighten the situation. He looked up and over at me with a small smile on his face. 'That's great Tubbo!' Phil said, also lightening the situation.

Everyone finished up their breakfast, luckily no one noticed I didn't eat any of mine, so I quickly got up and grabbed our bags from our room. I walked back downstairs to see Tubbo waiting for me holding his hands out for the bag. I pass it to him and fling my bag onto my back
'Ready to go' Phil asked everyone.
We all nodded or said yes and left the house, Phil unlocking the car and then going back to the front door to lock it. We all climb into the car and out our seatbelts on. Ready for what school had for us.


Fairly short one today, since I am trying to get those 4 chapters ready for you all on Saturday. But I hope you enjoy this either way!

I just wanted to thank everyone who joined the stream today. We got two more follows today which is amazing! That leaves us at 25 followers out of the 30 follower goal. We are only 5 followers away from the QnA. My content is based off of minecraft, and everyone reading this likes TommyInnit/ Tubbo, so give me a chance and check out my Twitch when I'm next live. Also! Don't forget that I did challenge you all again, since you smashed the first challenge out of the way. If 30 of you go and follow my twitch/YouTube before the end of the month I will come out with 6 chapters in one day. For those who already watch the stream, thank you so much. I love you all so so so much and please share it with your friends.

There are literally 100 of you who read this actively, which means there are 75 of you who have not followed my channel. Please. It only takes a couple of seconds. It's free. And all you have to do is come and hang out for a little bit during the streams.

Thank you all so much for 4K reads, it means a lot. I never thought my story would get this big, and the fact that it has. Has made me like a hundred times happier than I was before. (If you go follow my twitch you can make that a million times happier ;) )

Go join my discord, the link to it is in my bio. As well as my twitch channel.

Like always, if you have any comments/questions/concerns or advice feel free to leave them in the comments and I will answer/reply to them!

I love you all

Jake :)

Word count: 1170

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