Chapter 25 - Late night struggles

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——— Trigger Warning ———
——— Eating Disorder/Self Harm ———
——— Blood ———

Tommy pov —

We've been at home being home schooled for the past month. I haven't been allowed to do much because of my injuries. They hurt quite a bit at first, but I got used to the pain. I even enjoyed the pain at times. It made me feel alive, and not numb like it did in the past. Phil made Tubbo, Wil and Techno do pretty much everything for me, but I found a way to cause myself some pain when no one knew, just for fun. Whether it be lifting something heavy or just walking around for longer than necessary, obviously at night so no one would know.

Today has been a slow day. It's Sunday today, so everyone was at home either working on something or just relaxing in their room. Tubbo was playing some minecraft on the computer while I just laid in bed listening to some music with my eyes closed. I felt a gentle tap on my shoulders s reached up to pull the headphone out of my ear, opening my eyes to see who it was. Phil gave a quick smile, bringing a plate slightly up into my view. I look down slightly, glancing at the plate of food. He had cooked us a burger with some fries. It looked... okay... but I knew instantly that I wasn't going to eat it even before the smell hit me. I gave an awkward smile trying not to throw up from the smell, and took the plate out of his hand. Phil gave another quick smile, turning to Tubbo and placing the plate on the desk next to him. I watched Tubbo quickly look over to Phil, letting out a small groan as to say "thanks" and went straight back to the computer.

I picked at the fries a bit, taking a small bite out of them so it looked like I had eaten something. It started to get too much, so I left it for a bit deciding to watch Tubbo play his game. He wasn't playing his game as much as he was before, as he started digging into his plate of food. I let out a small sigh, Tubbo always eats to fast, he needs to calm down sometimes. I closed my eyes again, placing the headphone back into my ear. It wasn't long before I felt a small tug on my shirt sleeve, knowing that only Tubbo did this, I decided to just take the headphone out of my ear.
'What's up Tubbo?' I said louder than I actually wanted to.
'Eat some more' He said with a slightly sad voice.

'I'm not hungry'

'Please... for me?' Tubbo begged.
I let out another small sigh and thought about it, still keeping my eyes closed.

'I'll eat some more fries' I answered

'And the burger'

I opened my eyes to take another look at the burger.

'Some of the burger'

'Half of the burger' Tubbo insisted.

I gave out a small chuckle, hiding the fact that I was dreading the whole thing.

'Fine.' I answered picking the plate back up.
Tubbo smiled and then returned to his game. It was difficult enough to eat some of the fries, but now the burger? I'm definitely going to need to throw this up later. I waited a couple of seconds, taking a deep breath and then started biting into the burger. Ignoring anything that made me want to puke. I pretty much swallowed the bites whole, not wanting to take any longer than necessary to eat the burger. It didn't take long before I could feel the bits of food at the top of my stomach ready to come back up. I took a final deep breath, placing the other half of the burger down on the plate.
'I'm gonna go to the bathroom Tubbo' I said, trying my best not to gag mid sentence.
'Do you want me to help walk you over there?' He said turning around on the chair to face me.
'No I'll be fine.' I replied letting a small smile form on my face while slowly getting up off the bed.

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