Chapter 13 - Trust issues

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Just wanted to say! The stream went very well, thank you for everyone who joined. I will be streaming tomorrow at roughly the same time. I think I'm gonna plan it for around 11pm GMT soo around 5pm est. make sure to go follow my Instagram or Twitter to actually know when I go live.
twitter - @JJakeTweets
instagram - @Just_JakePictures
Anyways back to the story. Hope you enjoy!

——— Trigger Warning ———
——— Age Regression/Arguing ———

Tubbo pov —

Today has been a long... Tommy was still in little space but I kept him occupied with cartoons. It's around 2pm now, and I've still got what Techno said in my head. I've got to ask him about it. What did he mean by it. I made sure Tommy was watching cartoons before I crept out to find Techno. I could hear him down stairs, talking with Phil. I couldn't hear exactly what they were saying but it didn't sound important, so I took the steps down.
'Hey uh. Techno?' I said walking into the living room.
'What's up?' He said still focused on Phil.
'You know about earlier, the first part' I said trying to be as vague as possible so Phil couldn't catch on.
'Uh yeah... I know.' Techno nodded his head and turned around to face me.
'What did you mean when you said "You tried your best"?' I looked down at the ground, avoiding any sort of eye contact.
'Uh..... Phil. I may have messed up.' Techno panicked, turning around to Phil and panicking him as well.
'Why... what did you do?!' Phil said walking towards him.
'I think it's time to tell him about the thing...' Techno said rubbing the back of his neck embarrassed.
'What thing?! What did you mean! Why are you being secretive?!' I said switching my stare between the two of them very confused.

'You should go and get Tommy' Phil said in a calm voice, putting his hand on my shoulder. I'm so confused. What is happening. I nodded slightly and quickly headed back to the room getting Tommy. I had to get him out of little space, but I don't know how. Maybe I just talk to him, tell him he needs to stop being in little space. I don't know. I've never had to do this before.
'Hey Tommy...' I said just loud enough for him to hear. He turned around with a smile on his face, probably from watching cartoons.
'Tommy, I'm gonna need you to come out of little space. Its important.' I walked up to him, he frowned for a bit and sat there. We were there for longer than I wanted to be, it took a while for him to get out of little space, I assured him he was ok, and that it was to talk to Phil who doesn't know about his age regression.
He sighed knowing that this important thing was going to be a conversation. So I grabbed his hand and led him downstairs where Phil, Techno and now Wil were sat on the sofa in the living room waiting for us. I pulled Tommy into the living room and we both sat on the floor. Tommy sat in front of me going back to his protective self.

'So whats going on' Tommy said breaking the silence.
'Tommy... Tubbo. There's something we haven't told you.' Wil started off.
'Well what is it!?' I immediately stated.
'At the meeting... we knew who you two were before we met.' Techno jumped in.
'Yeah... so? Doesn't every adoptive family?' Tommy questioned in a sarcastic tone. There was a small silence, both the teenagers looked over to Phil before he spoke.
'Well... yeah. But we knew you more then that.'
'What do you mean?!' Tommy was confused. I mean we both were, they knew us before then?
'We've known you for your whole life. We knew your parents. We know what happened.' Phil said, lowering his head.
'WHAT!' Tommy shouted.
'Yes... we knew you. We've all met before. These two were still young when you two were born' Phil said lifting his head and pointing to Wil and Techno.
He dropped his head again, leaving what had just been said to hang in the air while we processed it.
'So... so you knew what happened and it took you this long to find us?!' Tommy said with rage built up in his eyes.
'We had to go through abusive homes and being bullied at the orphanage for you to adopt us!' Tommy added on. I couldn't talk. I couldn't believe it. I basically frozen. I didn't know how to actually process it properly.
'Tommy... we couldn't find you. You all moved away before it happened. When we heard we tried finding you, every single one of us. Me, Eret, Dream, George, Sapnap and a few others who you haven't met yet. We couldn't find you.' Phil said sounding defeated.
'We asked so many people to keep an eye out for you, to try and help us find you.' Wil jumped in.
'Everytime you were adopted. It made it harder and harder to find you, because you wouldn't be in the places we had people looking for you. You would be somewhere else.' Techno said, still not changing his monotone voice. Tears were now falling down my face, my vision blurred. How did they know this and not tell us.
'YOU'RE A BUNCH OF LYING BITCHES!! THERES NO WAY YOU KNEW US BACK THEN!' Tommy shouted as he got up, pulling me with him back to our room.
I could hear all three of them sign as we ran back to the room.

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