Chapter 26 - Brotherly love

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——— Trigger Warning ———
——— Arguing ———

— Tubbo pov —

I woke up with the sun shining on my face, the beams of warm sunlight landing on my face, blinding me. I squint my eyes, readjusting to the bright light.  The rest of the room was gloomy, just barely being lit up by the sunlight.
Tommy had me pulled tightly into him, during the night, and kept him there having fallen asleep himself. I pick up my head from his chest to look further around the room, and then dropped it back onto his chest when I had scanned the whole room. He stirred a little in his sleep, I stayed as still as possible trying my best not to wake him up. I moved my head further into his chest, just far enough so I could listen to his breathing and heartbeat. Listening to his heartbeat/breathing always made me feel safe. It calmed me down whenever I was anxious or annoyed at something. I zoned out for a little, while listening to Tommy's heartbeat/breathing, not realising that he was now awake. He shook me slightly, still keeping me in the hug, which made me zone back in.
'G'morning' Tommy whispered to me
'Good morning! I replied, smiling up at him.
I could feel him pull out of the hug, and then a panicked expression formed on his face as he quickly pulled me back into the hug. I slightly tilted my head, confused as to why he gave that expression
'What's wrong?' I questioned.

— Tommy pov —
I started to pull out of the hug, when I remembered what had happened last night. I can't let him see. I panicked slightly, pulling him back into the hug.
'What's wrong?' Tubbo asked, confused.
'Oh... uh. Just wanted one last hug before we get out of bed!' I quickly made up.
His face formed a quick smile before he dug it into my chest holding onto me tightly for a couple of seconds then letting go.
I slowly pulled out of the hug, instantly putting my arms to where he couldn't see them. Tubbo jumped out of the bed and walked over to the wardrobe
'What do ya wanna wear big man?' He said rummaging through the clothes.
'Just get me a big jumper and some sweats...' I hesitantly requested. Tubbo picked up some clothes and threw them over his shoulder to me. I quickly pulled them under the covers, along with my arms. Tubbo picked out his clothes and left to change in the bathroom. I quickly got changed, making sure to hide the bandages with the jumper sleeves and sat down onto the desk chair. The pills were sat next to the plant pot Tubbo had got from the shopping trip. 'Phil must've put them there' I mumbled to myself taking the pack of pills, standing up and making my way down stairs for a glass of water. I passed Tubbo on the way downstairs, telling him I was gonna take my pill.

'Hey kiddo' Phil greeted me in the kitchen.
'Hey Phil' I replied turning towards the sink, showing him the pills.

'How's the pain today?'

'Not so bad, just a little of stiffness pain I guess.'
I reached over to the sink, grabbing a freshly washed up cup. I turned the tap on for a few seconds, quickly getting enough water to swallow the pill with. I took a deep breath and placed the pill onto my tongue, chugging it down with the little bit of water.

'Cold?' Phil questioned, gesturing to my jumper. I nodded my head, pulling my sleeves over my hands and started walking to the stairs.

Walking back into the room, I could see Tubbo playing minecraft on the computer. He was with his bees, watching them do whatever and I sat on the bed watching him play. After a while I got bored,
'Can I play Tubbo?' I asked slowly getting up and moving towards the chair. He let out a quick sigh and got up from the chair, letting me sit down. I played around for a bit, deciding what I should build. I figured I could make a few cobblestone towers and then explode them or something, so thats what I started doing. I built the first cobblestone tower pretty quickly, and flew back looking at the masterpiece. It looked amazing, but it would look better with another one a bit further away and then a railway connecting the two. The cobblestone towers looked amazing, I built the railway between them both and took a ride on it, enjoying every single moment.

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