Chapter 33 - My Home...

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- Tommy's POV -

Well... here I am once again, updating you all on my life. It's been a while since we last talked, or- since I last talked. I think the last time was when I learned a lot about my parents- a lot about my new family. So I guess this is the part where we talk about what has happened in the months since then... shall we?

Let's start off with myself, since obviously I am the best and most important. The first week or so after learning everything, went fairly slow. I mainly kept to myself in our room, playing games, watching movies and what not. Dad was pretty okay with me staying in my room, he did try and get me to be more sociable but it was difficult the first few weeks. I knew they love me and everything, it was just weird knowing that I did so much with these people and I had no idea who they were before they adopted me.

But soon I opened up... I allowed myself to connect with them again and to find myself knowing I was safe with these people. I actually started doing some small 'shows' infront of people! Oh my god they're so fun! Dad helped me find this place where people will come in and just watch you do random stuff. I do it like every other week! I've been doing it for a couple of months now. I bring everyone with me, some stay in the audience, some come up on stage with me. It's so much fun.

Uh- ok, let's move onto Tubbo cause I can't think of much else right now.

Tubbo really opened up immediately after learning everything. It was like time stopped the moment he left these people and then time started again as soon as he learned it all. Tubbo really helped me open up over time, he would always ask if I wanted to join in on stuff and he even pushed me to go do my shows! He's always right next to me when I do them as well!

Tubbo made quite a lot of friends at school! He goes around most of the groups and just makes friends with all of them. It's kinda funny. And if I'm to be honest, they're all pretty cool. I hang out with them sometimes. Oh! What I will say, is that sadly Tubbo and Ranboo had a falling out of some sorts- they slowly stopped talking to each other and no-one really knows why but he's still okay with being around Ranboos presence.  That being said! Tubbo did also get a partner while at school! Very interesting I know. He just started talking about them one day, and it came to us as a shock at first but he looks so happy so no-one can really complain.

Hmm.. let's talk about Wil, cause he's been up to a lot of interesting stuff!

Wil really helped me open up to everyone. He would always barge into our room whenever he thought I had been 'unsociable' for too long, and he would just sit and play guitar. Play all the new songs he had made with his friends, and give me sneak peaks of all the ones he was writing. Over the few weeks, he barged in and played so much that I actually learned the songs off by heart, and could both play and sing the songs after a month or two.

Him and his friends actually created a small band called 'lovejoy' and started going around to local pubs, clubs and just anywhere that would take them and would play the songs to a bunch of people. He would bring me with him whenever he could, and sometimes he would even pull me up on stage and we would sing some of the songs together. Dad would even record us up there and show it to everyone else. I would always go red from awkwardness but to be completely honest... it was worth it.

Oh! And Techno! He actually moved out!

The first few weeks after we learned everything he really pushed me to do everything I wanted. He actually convinced Dad to help me find the place to do my shows! He let me get all my thoughts out when I needed it and always made sure I was okay. Wil was sort of the chaotic big brother, where as Techno was always the more calming- neutral big brother. He always knew how to cheer you up, whether that be by a sarcastic comment or just a joke about something random.

But yeah! He moved out a few months ago! It was a little sudden but when he said he was gonna move to this farm and plant as many potatoes as he possibly could and ride horses as fast as he could, we just couldn't stop him. The idea of it made him smile more than most of the things I've seen him do. Dad said he was too young to go, but Tech just kept saying he was going to go anyway. And well- he did what he said. He moved out a week or so after telling us and he made sure to tell us that he would be there for us anytime we needed. The saddest, yet funniest part was when he sent us all tops a few days after, as well as pictures of him planting his first potato with the biggest smile on his face. I pinned mine picture of him to the top of my bunk, so that I could say goodnight to him every night.

(Technoblade never dies. RIP you legend)

Ok so... who's next- oh Dad! Or Phil- whatever you wanna call him...

Dad has been so awesome. He obviously helped me with doing my shows! Oh- I forgot... you know how I had a lot of problems with eating..? Yeah well- he kinda figured that out and got me help. To the point where I can actually eat full meals now! But yeah, he's been working around the clock to make sure everything is going great for all of us. To make sure me and Tubbo feel safe. As much as I miss my real parents... he really feels like a dad to me. When I first started doing my shows, he would stay up with me most nights, helping me plan out the shows. He would help Wilbur plan his shows with his band. He helped Techno pack his stuff. And he makes sure Tubbo is having fun with whatever he's doing.

Alright- what else has happened...

Oh Dream actually took his mask off for once. I'll say it, Dream is hot (reference to his tweet when dream face revealed)

My beloved, Queen Lizzie died. She was so young. I tried convincing Dream to use his stupid book on her, and he said he did it but nothing ever happened.

Uhhh- I don't think there's anything else...

Well. That's the past couple of months for you all. Crazy, right? I really feel at home now. Getting adopted by Dad was difficult at first, I had so many things to figure out. So many problems to deal with... so many things I had to face. I pushed everyone away. I tried to run away. And yet they still love me. I'm so happy it worked out. I feel like I'm back in the right path.

So uh yeah- that's your update. I don't think we'll talk again... since well- life is pretty good and is talking should end on a good note.

Me and my family are the greatest.



Hi! How's it going... it's Jake here... yanno... the author. I've been GONE for sometime. A lot of things have happened, some good, some bad. But we won't get into all of that! I was reminded of this story a little while ago, and ever since then I've had two thoughts... one was to delete the story and everything with it. The other was to make a new chapter... and well you might already be able to tell which one I chose. That being said... I might, one day, end up deleting this story... but who knows.

Anyways, I just wanted to say thank you to everyone that has liked this story, left comments, shared it with others, moved to my discord or my twitch. It means the world to me that in some way this story has made it to thousands of people and has made their day, night or given them the smallest of happy emotions. I would never have made it to where I am on twitch if it wasn't for this story and everything that had come from it.

I have actually started writing a new story, called "Side-eyes and Butterflies". I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it yet, but the first chapter will be out a few minutes after this one. So please give it a read and tell me your honest opinions.

Thank you again for everything!

I hope to see you all in my new story! But if not, enjoy the story!!

I love you all

Jake <3

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