Chapter 14 - Forgiving family

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——— Trigger Warning ———
——— Eating Disorder———

Tommy pov —

'Bullshit. We're just some charity case to you. Something you need to do to feel good about yourselves. You're just trying to make it seem like you care!'

I could feel the tears flow down my face. They didn't stop. I could barely see Phil who was crouching directly in front of me. He grabbed me and pulled me into a hug. I resented it at first but he just held on tighter and tighter as I struggled, so I just gave up and sobbed into his shoulder. I felt his hand lift from my back and then Tubbo basically run into me joining the hug, now crying into the other shoulder.
'It's okay boys. Let it out. I understand.' Phil said reassuring us. I took some time to stop crying, Phil kept reassuring us as we did. But now I had stopped. I pulled away from Phils grasp, rubbed my eyes and looked at him. 'Did you really know our parents... me and Tubbo?' I said with a shaky voice. Tubbo pulled away from his hug to hear the response. Phil sighed.
'Yes. I did. You were both too young to remember much, but we were very close. All of us.' He said with a soft smile. Tubbo went back into the hug, crying some more. 'And you promise you're telling the truth.' I said, my voice shaking some more.
He took his hand off of my shoulder and held it out in front of me, holding nothing but his pinky finger out. 'Pinky promise' he said calmly. I nodded, shook his pinky with mine and went back in for a hug.

Me and Tubbo slowly calmed down while hugging Phil. It still couldn't believe they all knew us, but I'm not as angry as I was before. The rage had passed, it was more just me being of confused and exhausted.
'Boys... I'm sorry we didn't tell you sooner.' Phil said, leaving the hug and making sure we were ok. We both nodded and rubbed our eyes to adjust to the light again. 'I'll try and make it up to you. We can do something fun like goto the zoo or a theme park maybe even just go and watch a new film. How does that sound?' Phil said in a reassuring voice. Tubbo spoke up first 'Y-yeah... that sou-sounds good.'  And I just hummed in agreement. Phil gave us a soft smile and stood up.
'I'll let you to calm down a bit more, and I'll go find something we can do for a day to make it up.' He said walking towards the door. He opened the door and stopped for a second.
'I love you boys.' He quietly muttered before leaving the room and closing the door behind him. Me and Tubbo didn't say anything. We sat down on the bed just leaning up against each other. He drops his head onto my shoulder and then I drop my head onto his head. We sat there for a while in complete silence.
I let the silence drag on for a little bit before saying.
'Well this day has sucked so far' Tubbo giggled a little bit. 'Yes. Yes it has.' He said quietly. We both giggled for a bit before it went back to complete silence.

I heard a small knock on the door, and Wil following it by saying 'Dad ordered pizza for all of us. It'll be here in 20 minutes. He said to come down and get the box but you can bring it back up here if you two want to be alone' I could hear him walk away from the door, I think he knew we didn't want to talk. Me and Tubbo stayed in silence again. Still leaning up against each other.

— 3rd person —
(Haven't done one of these before... I don't think... let's see how this goes)

Tommy and Tubbo had stayed in there room until the food arrived. Both Techno and Wil ran down the stairs racing each other to the door. Phil was in the living room before the knock happened. He got up and walked to the door being pushed out of the way by Wil so he could open the door. Phil chuckled to himself and passed Wil the money. Both boys were still up in there room, Techno called up to them. Tommy came walking down slowly with Tubbo behind him, they both jumped into the chairs at the dining table. Tubbo picked up a slice of pizza and put it on his plate, then grabbed another one and put it on Tommy's plate. Tommy looked over at him with an annoyed look and Tubbo just pulled in his ear. Making Tommy a bit more annoyed but also compliant. Tubbo watched Tommy take a bite of his pizza slice and then nodded and bit into his own slice. Phil was a little shocked that the two boys stayed downstairs to eat but shrugged it off and started eating as well. Techno and Wil we're now fighting over slices of pizza, each complaining that they were "choosing the bigger slice" and that it was "unfair". Both Tommy and Tubbo giggled quietly while watching the two argue and Phil just sighed.

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