Chapter 12 - The onesie

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Hi! Quick thing I wanna mention... I accidentally set my new video to go public at 6am and not 6pm, so it is out right now. Please go check it out, maybe hit the subscribe button if you haven't already, leave a like/comment. Would really appreciate it! Love you all. Back to the story! :)

——— Trigger Warning ———
——— Age Regression/Eating Disorder ———

— Tubbo pov —

It had been an hour or so since Tommy woke up from his nightmare. Techno had checked up on us one last time before heading down to make some breakfast for us. Tommy seemed to be doing better, he wasn't asleep, but he wasn't shaking so we're making improvements. Tommy asked me if we could watch some cartoons, so I grabbed the remote from the desk and payed back down with him. Turning on the TV and putting on some random cartoons. I wasn't paying much attention to the TV. That comment that Techno said stuck with me.
'You tried your best' he said... Why did he sound like he know what we were talking about. Like I understand he was trying to comfort Tommy... but he said it as if he knew. Maybe he was just trying to comfort him. I pushed it aside when Tommy starting poking at me. I looked over at him and he giggled instantly. At least he's laughing, that's good. I gave a smile and looked back at the TV, only to be poked again. I look back over, and see him giggle even more. He must've slipped into little space. I gave him another smile and passed him my bee plushie. He took it and started playing with it, so that confirmed he was in little space. 'You wanna put on some jammies?' I said in a slight baby voice.
'Ya!!!' He answered excitedly.
'What kinda jammies do you want?' I asked, still keeping my baby voice.
'Da wonsie!' He giggled.
I get up and walk to the wardrobe, looking for the onesie. I couldn't find it. I gave another quick search of the wardrobe hoping I missed it. But nothing.
'Do you know where it is, bubbles?' I turn to ask him.
'No...' he answered still more interested in the plushie.
'It not here bubs... did you leave it somewhere?' I say doing another quick check.
'oh.... errrr bafroom?' He said with a said face...
'Okay bubs, maybe we go with something else, what aboutttttt... theeee......big jumper and some track suits?' I asked
He shook his head at me 'Noh... I wan da window!' He sulked. I gave a small sigh and turn to him,
'Alright Bubbles. I'll go find the onesie. You stay here ok.'
'Ohkay!' He replied with a big smile on his face.
I left the room, and headed towards the bathroom. I could hear that Techno was still cooking and Phil was talking to him. I continued on to the bathroom and look around... it didn't seem to be there. So I walk on down to Phil and Techno.
'Hey! have you two seen a onesie with a jukebox on the front?' I asked sheepishly rubbing the back of my neck.
'Uh yeah, it's in the dryer, why?' Phil answered
'Is it by chance, done at all? Are you able to get it out?' I replied staring at the floor.
'Probably, I put it in last night so it's gotta be done by now. Why do ya need it?' Phil said getting up from his chair at the island.
'I just uhh.... I just do.' I responded following Phil to the dryer. Once we got there Phil opened up the dryer and pulled out some clothes before pulling out the onesie and passing it to me. I heard Techno walk up the stairs and made nothing of it. I took the onesie from Phil, him still being confused on why I needed it and walked up stairs to the room. I could see the door open and Techno was stood there kind of taken aback.
'Everything alright' I said asked I shimmied my way past him into the room. Tommy looked at me, and then at Techno. As soon as he saw Techno he hid under the bed sheets... and I suddenly clocked what had happened. Techno walked in on Tommy while he was in little space. Oh god... I know he didn't want to do this now, so i chucked the onesie on the bed and pulled Techno out of the room.
'Can we talk in your room or something private please?!' I said stumbling on my words. He nodded, I quickly peaked my head into the room
'I'll be a bit longer Bubs ok?' I know he understood because I heard a small groan come from under the bed sheets. Me and Techno walked back to his room and shut the door behind us.
'Soo uh... what was that?' He turned to me with a confused look on his face.
'Well... what did you see?' I answered.

'I saw Tommy, hugging the bee thing with his thumb in his mouth... and that's when I zoned out...'

'Ah... ok. This is how Tommy copes... Yanno with the nightmares or anything he needs to cope with.'

'What age regression?' He questioned.

'I have no clue what that is. He told me it's little space.'

'Ah... age regression is what's its official name is'

'Ok. Well then yeah, he does that.' I say concerned of how he will react.

'Is that why you needed the onesie? To give to Tommy?'

'Yeah... but you can't say anything! Not until he's ready to!' I raised my voice

'Oh of course not... I'm not stupid. Is there anything you need me to do?' He said slightly backing away.

'Uh... I don't know. I'll tell him that you know but you have to talk to him in private when he's back to being 10.'

'Yeah. Ok. So how old is he then?' He asked interested in the answer.

'Around 2/3 years old. So I gotta get back before he hurts himself.' I say trying to speed up the conversation.

'Uh yeah yeah go! The foods on the desk in your room. So uh bring the plates down when you two are done.' He said opening the door for me to go.

'Ok, thank you!' I say basically running back to our room. I picked up the two plates on the way into the room and pass one to Tommy. Techno had made us some toast with some butter on it. Tommy looked at the food at made a disgusted face at it.
'Please eat some bubs. For me?' I say to him before I eat. He takes a big gulp, nods and then goes for a bite. I took mine and watched him eat a few more times before passing it over to me. I sighed knowing that he won't eat anymore.


Hi! I know this is a very short chapter. I wanted to get this out before I head to sleep. I have a plan on how to string this out over a few chapters so I hope you enjoy it.

Don't forget about the small challenge I gave you earlier about me posting 4 chapters in one day! (If you havent seen it go back to the 'new video' chapter to see it) so if you wanna see 4 chapters in one day get that challenge completed!

Anyways, I think that all I have/want to mention.

Like always, if you have any comments/questions/concerns or advice please do not hesitate! I read every comment so I won't miss it! :)

I love you all so much!

Jake :)

Word count: 1157 words.

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