Chapter 29 - 'Tubs and Bubs'

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——— Trigger Warning ———
——— Age regression ———

Techno pov —

Tommy slept for a long time. It was almost midday, everyone else was awake and doing things, but Tommy. Tommy was fast asleep. I left him sleeping there and made my way downstairs to see what people were doing and if it interested me. Phil was downstairs in the kitchen on his laptop working. Wil was in the front room playing on his guitar and I guess Tubbo is in his room still.

'Good morning Techno' Phil said, looking up from his laptop with a smile on his face.
'Morning Dadza' I replied keeping a straight face. He gestured over to the dining table and spoke
'There's some lunch on the table if you want a bite?'
'Nah... I'm good. What are you up to?' I asked, giving a slightly awkward smile.
He moved his hand and gestured for me to come over. I walked on over and stood beside him, just being able to see the screen. On the screen was some boring stuff Phil always enjoyed looking at but it never interested me. I gave another awkward smile
'Wow... that's so cool.' I said sarcastically.
'What is?' Wil said, appearing from the front room with his guitar in hand.
'Dad was showing me something that's really boring.'
'Wha- hey! It's not boring!' He spoke up in an annoyed tone.
'Yeah... not for you. But for us...' I said pointing at me and Wil.
'That is true... you like weird stuff. We're normal.' Wil spoke with a smile on his face. This made Phil laugh.
'Hahahaha... normal? You two are far from normal. It's what makes you... you.' He said, slightly nudging me.

We all giggled for a little bit and then continued with our day. Neither of the two were doing anything fun, and Tubbo was still in his room... so I just decided to get a glass of water and head back to my room. I stopped at the top of the stairs, and looked over at Tommy and Tubbo's room. It was still closed, but I could hear the tv coming from inside the room. That meant Tubbo was up... so he knows Tommy isn't there. He must not care... which is sad. They have such a great relationship... they're brothers who have been through everything. And now they don't even talk. I let out a small sigh and walked back into my room. As soon as I entered the room, I was met by a small voice.

'Tubbo's not here. He's in his room.' I answered him. I could just about see him under the covers, his face just poking out from them, my pig plushie next to his face.
'T-Techie?' He asked. I was slightly taken aback from what he called me. He never called me that... the only person that did was Tubbo... and that was when.
When Tommy had his nightmare. When he-
He's regressed. Tommy's in little space.
'Uh- yeah it's me Techie...' I hesitated. I turned the lights onto a slightly brighter setting (that light dial thing where you can adjust how bright the light is... Yanno?) So he could see the room properly, and so I could see him. I walked over to him and crouched down in front of the bed so he could see me.
'Tommy... how old are you right now?' I whispered to him. He pulled his hand out from underneath the covers and held up three fingers.
'Three, huh?' I answered with a slightly shocked expression.
'I wan Tubbso' he quietly pleaded. I let out a sigh knowing the current situation between Tommy and Tubbo.
'Tubbo's a little busy right now, Bubs.' I whispered back. He gave a little sad pout and then buried his face under the covers.
'Hey Bubs? You want some water?' I asked waiting for him to show his face again. He took a few seconds before he showed his face, and when he did he nodded his head slightly.
'Ok, you gotta sit up though.' I said waiting for him to do so. He slowly pulled himself up, still hiding under the covers. I brought the glass up to his mouth and slowly tilted it so he could drink. He took a few gulps before slowly pulling his head away, indicating he was done.

I kept Tommy in my room, making sure he didn't hurt himself or do anything he wasn't supposed to. We played a few games with my plushie, like catch or who could hide it the best without the other finding it. I would let him win of course, even though I hated losing. But eventually, he got bored and missed Tubbo. It was around 3pm when he started begging for Tubbo.

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