Chapter 23 - Home school

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——— Trigger Warning ———
——— none that I know of ———

Tubbo pov —

I woke up in Tommy's grasp, staying in the exact position as we did when we fell asleep. He wasn't awake yet so I carefully moved my way out of the hug. 'Oh you're awake!' Tommy said, opening his eyes up. 'Yeah?? You were asleep?' I asked returning back to the hug.
'I woke up a while ago, I just didn't want to move and be in pain so I just stayed here and closed my eyes.' He replied. It was good that he was being careful. 'You should start getting ready, schools gonna be soon' he added, slowly letting me out of the hug. 'I'm not gonna leave you!' I argued.
'I'm literally in so much pain I can't move Tubs. I'll be here all day. School is more important.' He said reasoning with me.
'Go on, go get ready. I'll be here when you get back' he added. I sighed a little, then got up out of bed and headed over to the wardrobe, picking out my school uniform. I got changed in the bathroom, brushed my teeth and then walked back to the room. As soon as I got into the room I was greeted by
'Did you put deodorant on?' Tommy asked slightly in pain. I sighed once more and turned around back to the bathroom. I heard a laugh coming from our room and the a small wince in pain. I smiled knowing that I made Tommy smile at least once. This time, I put the deodorant on and walked back to the room one last time.
'Now I did' I said walking back into the room.
'You need to remember to do that. I'm not always going to be here to tell you to' Tommy replied.
I nodded agreeing to what he said and then gave him one last hug.
'I'll see you later Tom Toms. Be careful'
'I'll see you later Tubbo. Have a good day!' He replied. I broke the hug and walked down the stairs to greet the rest.
'Heya kid! Woah... why are you in uniform?' Phil said seeing me walk down the stairs.
'B-because of school?' I questioned, confused about the conversation.
'You're not going to school.' He answered.
I gave a more confused look at him, stopping halfway down the stairs.
'I'm not sending you back to that school without Tommy.' He added
I walked down the rest of the stairs keeping the confused look on my face.
'Look, I've decided that you and Tommy are not going to go to school until Tommy is healed fully and when you both are comfortable to go back. So we're going to do some school here to keep you at the same level as the kids in school.' Phil explained to me. I looked over at Wil and Techno eating their breakfast in their school uniform.
'What about them?' I asked.
'They have to goto school. It's an important year for them.' Phil said turning to the two teenagers.
'Go get changed into something more comfy, and go rest for a little bit. I'll come up and do some maths or something with you two when you're ready. Ok?' Phil said pointing back up the stairs.
I followed his instructions, walked back up the stairs and into our room.
'Tubbo? What are you doing back here, you're meant to be going to school?' Tommy asked jolting up and then instantly back down in pain.
'Relax Tommy. Phil's gonna keep us both here until you're fully healed and ready to go back.' I explained picking out some comfy clothing from the wardrobe. I picked out some joggers and a jumper and took them to the bathroom to get changed again, being as quick as possible. It didn't take me long to get back I got bed with Tommy, hugging him again. We decided to watch some cartoons, I propped a pillow behind Tommy so he could see the TV properly, and then went to find the remote.

— Time Skip —

I could hear a knock at the door, so instead of getting up I just yelled.
The door swung open and Phil came in with a sheet of paper.
'This is the work you have to do today, it's not much since I know you're in pain Tommy. So Tubbo can help you write or something. I just need it done before dinner time ok?' Phil said leaving the piece of paper on the desk.
'What is it?' I asked trying to see the contents from the bed.
'It's a little bit of Maths, English and History. So take it at your own pace. If you need a little bit of help, I'll be in my room, just yell for me and I'll be here to help.' Phil said while leaving the room.
We continued to watch cartoons for a little bit, leaving the work on the desk for later. I personally didn't want to do it but I know Tommy would want me to, so after a while I got out of bed and picked up the work.
'What do you wanna do first? Maths English or History?' I asked Tommy.
'Uhh... we can do Maths I guess' he answered.
I picked up the maths sheet and brought it back to the bed. We went over it and completed it in 20 minutes or so. It was pretty easy. We decided to do history next, learning a little bit about World War Two. It was very interesting, I remember bits and pieces from the books at the orphanage. But we'd never gone through the whole war. I knew some of the parts on the work sheet but not all of them.
The last piece of work we had to do was English. We had to read through an essay and give our thoughts on it. Which seemed to be simple, but it really wasn't. I tried reading it for 30 minutes before Tommy helped. He let me have a chance whenever I got stuck reading and then helped me out if he knew I couldn't read it. He read the essay and asked what I thought about it. I explained my thoughts to him and wrote it down on the other side of the paper, and then wrote down his thoughts.
I got back out of bed, gathered up every single piece of paper and headed over to Phil's room.
'Come in!' He yelled
'We completed the work you gave us.' I said slowly opening the door.
'Oh great! As Tommy gets better, there will be more but for now it'll be small pieces like that!' He said turning around to face me on his chair.
'Ok, that's sounds good' I said handing the work over. He took the paper and placed it onto the desk next to his laptop.
'You can go chill out for the rest of the day, I'm gonna have to go pick up Wil and Techno, but I'll let you two know when I'm leaving.' Phil said.
'Ok, we'll be in our room.' I replied heading back out the door.

Me and Tommy returned back to watching cartoons for a while.
'GOING TO PICK UP WIL AND TECHNO!' Phil shouted from downstairs. I could see Tommy goto shout but stopped him before he could.
'OK!' I yelled back and then heard the front door shut so we carried on watching cartoons.


This is not a very eventful chapter, but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless. This will hopefully be the first of the four I get out today, but if not I will let you all know.

I've had a couple of questions come in so far for the QnA. If you'd like to ask any questions please get them to me before Monday.

I will be live again in two hours on twitch. I will post again in an hour, like normal. So be ready for the stream! We are at 36 followers now (someone followed while I was offline so thank you to whoever that was) only 15 away from hitting our new goal of 50. Please please come and hang out, drop a follow if you enjoy. It would mean a lot to me. And if you are already followed please share the stream with your friends! If everyone shares it with at least one friend we MIGHT be able to hit 50 tonight?!! Who knows.
So please come hang out!

I also posted a new YouTube video so go check that out! It is a stream that I done the other day, so it's a long one.

Make sure to also join my discord. Follow the link above and press on the discord option.

I think that's it. If you have any questions/comments/concerns or advice, please do let me know!!

I love you all!

Jake :)

Word count: 1243 words

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