Chapter 31 - Stories of before pt.1

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——— Trigger Warning ———
——— none that I know of ———

— Philza pov —

I woke up pretty early... well, very early. It was still dark outside and the house was extremely quiet. Its got to be the quietest I've ever heard it... usually I can hear either Techno or Wil in their room but right now... nothing. I swung my legs over the side of my bed and got out of bed, walking over to my wardrobe. My clothes flutter as I opened my wardrobe, revealing variants of the same style of clothing. I grabbed the first one my hand could grab and chuck it onto the bed, closing the wardrobe and getting changed into said clothing.

I walked out of my bedroom, slowly creeping past all the other bedrooms and down the stairs into the kitchen. The light blinded me as I turned it on, someone must've left it on the highest setting before turning it off. I twist the light switch to the point where the light was barely on, but just lit up enough so that I could see what I was doing.

I planned this whole week out over the past few days. It's been a bit chaotic around here recently, with going to the hospital And the fight/argument between Tommy and Tubbo... so it would be good to have a week where we can all just chill out, have fun and play games without the stress of school or anything else. Today, I'd let them sleep in while I got everything sorted out. I haven't told them what's going on, but I asked Techno and Wil to keep them busy upstairs while I got the downstairs sorted out.

The sunlight was just seeping through the window. I've got everything set up... pancakes for breakfast, with maple syrup or lemon and sugar. If they didn't want pancakes, I made some waffles with some strawberries and or blueberries. I placed orange juice and apple juice on the table for them to pick, and went over to the small alexa placed on the window seal.
'Alexa - play the 'family time' playlist on Spotify'

'Sorry, I don't quite understand' Alexa declared back at me

'Goddamn it Alexa... No! Stop listening! Play the- oh so now you wanna stop listening. Fine, I'll just do it on my phone' I said, as I reached onto my pocket and pulled out my phone. I tapped in the password and pressed on the Spotify app, and was immediately greeted with random songs and playlists Wil has made. 'He must be using my Account to upload them to Spotify' I thought to myself. I chuckled slightly looking at the names of some of the songs, they were very... Wil. I said the app over to the right and found the playlist, pressing on it then connecting it to the Alexa.

The playlist is filled with mainly a bunch of Lo-Fi, just because it's a nice background music and you can listen to it fairly quietly... and it being played at this time... it needs to be somewhat quiet.

'Nice music old man.' I jumped slightly at the random sudden voice behind me.
'Bit jumpy as well.' Techno said appearing from the front room.
'H-have you been there the whole time..?' I replied turning to him, giving an awkward friendly smile. He shook his head no and started walking past me to the sink.
'Nah... I just creeped down while you weren't looking' he said while grabbing a cup and pouring himself some water. Techno turned around to face me, taking a sip of his water then placing it onto the island in between us. I quickly processed something and then raised an eyebrow.
'Have you been to sleep at all Techno?' I said a little sternly.
'Uhhhhhhhh- sleep? Yeah sure. I know sleep.' He muttered back, going a little red on the face.
'Techno, we talked about this... I even got you sleeping pills to help y-'
'I know! But it doesn't work... it's the actual sleeping part that I hate' Techno replied cutting me off a little. I let out a small sigh, knowing I wouldn't win in this conversation and just tried to enlighten the mood.
'You seen Tommy and Tubbo recently? Seems like they're getting along again' I quietly say.
'Yeah, I have. I know Tubbo was a little reluctant at first but he's good now that they've figured it out.' Techno replied.
'Tommy seems to be a bit more out of his shell with you' I responded, giving a little smile.
'I guess he has' Techno said before taking another sip from his water.

— Tommy pov —

I woke up from a bright light being shined like directly in my eyes. I opened my eyes slowly, bringing up my hand to cover my eyes from the light. I winced slightly from the pain the cuts caused... they have mostly healed, just a few of the deeper ones need a little bit more time to heal properly. I opened my hand slightly just allowing a slight gap between my fingers to see what the light was coming from. "Ahh shit, we must've left the window open" I thought to myself as I realised it was the sunlight coming through the curtains. The wind must've blown the curtains open just enough for the light to peer through.
I laid back down, shifting my body away from the light and closing my eyes again.
I let out a loud groan. Of course the alarm goes off as soon as I close my eyes again. I feel a hand touch my face a gently slap it. I open my eyes again to see Tubbo half asleep reaching over to me trying to turn off the alarm, but instead slapping me.
'Wrong thing Tubbo' I say flipping myself over and turning the alarm off. I hear a half asleep voice say
'It still worked. The alarms now off' then proceeds to chuckle to himself while falling back to sleep.

A rather loud knock sounds out from down stairs, I gathered it was just some random person knocking at the door. I hear the door open and then some mumbling before hearing someone running up the steps. The running suddenly stops before the door and then a few seconds go by followed by the door then being knocked.
I let out another small groan and then got out of bed and opened the door.
'Hello there!' Ranboo says, showing a big smile on his face. I was suddenly pushed out the way by Tubbo who was instantly giving Ranboo a hug.
'Well... you were meant to reply with "General Kenobi" but I guess this is good as well' Ranboo proceeds to add on. Ranboo then holds onto Tubbo and picks him up while still hugging and walks towards Tommy. 'Hey Tommy! How's it going..?' He asked. I stood there a little confused yet amused about Tubbo hanging from Ranboo while still hugging him 'yeah... I'm doing ok, I think Tubbo's doing pretty good now that you're here as well' I spoke up. 'Heh... yeah seems like it' he said giving a big smile to me.

We chilled most of the day, asking how Ranboo has been and seeing what he's been up to, while playing games and doing random stuff. Until suddenly Ranboo looked at his new fancy watch, got up then dragged us downstairs. It was pretty weird and out of the blue, but we went with him anyways. We reached the downstairs and saw a ton of people in the front room standing there waiting.

'AYYYYYY!!' All of the people cheered out as soon as they saw us. 'Good job Ranboo!' A man on the far right of the crowd said. Ranboo gave another big smile, then let go of our hands and walked into the crowd. Phil then came out to the front and knelt down in front of us. 'Alright boys... I know everything's been tough, and overwhelming... you've already been through a lot... but we wanted to do something for you... everyone behind me...' Phil then lowers his voice and leans towards us 'expect for Ranboo' he then raises his voice and leans back 'knew your parents... We all thought... well Wilbur had the idea... he thought, it would be nice to tell you some stories about them... some embarrassing, funny, stories that include us as well... so you get to know more about who your parents were, and who we are. There's no pressure to talk to all of us... you can talk to one person then go upstairs for the rest of the night... but there will be food, games, movies, music... it will be fun...' Phil said, standing up as soon as he finished his sentence.
I could see a few familiar faces within the crowd, but there was a few people that I had no idea who they were, a man with green hair and a green/gold jumper was on the far left, a pale-ish man with long hair wearing a suit stood roughly in the middle, and then a man with short black hair with a button up shirt and a beanie on top of his head stood next to the pale-ish man. These three were the ones that stood out the most to me, the rest of the unknown people blended in with everyone else. Everyone waited a couple of seconds before going back to talking to each other, Phil walked behind both me and Tubbo and stood there watching over us all. I looked back with a worried face, he took notice of it and knelt down to my ear 'it'll be ok Tommy, just take your time... if you want me to introduce you to anyone then let me know.' He said, I walked back a bit so I could see his face, putting a fearless emotion on my face and adjusted my shirt 'I am a big man, I can do that by myself.' I said sternly. Phil let out a small chuckle, nodded then stood back up. I turn back around to the crowd and my face went from a stern look to a mix of worried and stern.

I had to learn more about my parents.

I need to...

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