7: Sober Confessions

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Asta woke me up so fucking early... and to work out.

"You said you wanted to be my workout buddy!" he yelled. "Don't worry, you'll be glad you did!"

I threw up multiple times during the workout, and it was probably the worst morning of my life.

"Asta, I mean it this time. I hate you." I said while we approached the hideout.

He laughed loudly, "No fair!!! We were just getting so close!"

I looked at him, "Seriously though, thanks for waking me up. And thanks for taking care of me last night."

"Anytime! It's what best friends do."

I smiled as my eyes sparkled, "Best friends!?!" I threw my arms around him and hugged him tightly.

"Y/n, do you remember last night?" he asked as I pulled away.

I wish I didn't... But I did. I was drunk enough to have no control of my words, but not enough to forget.

I nodded my head slightly.

"If you ever want to talk, I'm here." he offered.

"Thanks, Asta," I smiled while walking into the hideout.

It was still kind of early, at least for a day off, so the hideout was pretty quiet. I rushed upstairs to shower before anyone woke up.

As I finished getting dressed and was about to head downstairs, I heard a voice.

She's still here? Fucking Yami had her sleep over... Well, two can play that game.

I walked back into my room and took out my new dress. It was a tight black dress that made me look hot as hell, so I put it on and went downstairs.

They were hugging each other when I walked down and went towards the door. I saw Yami from
the corner of my eye, he was definitely staring at me.

Good, bitch.

"And where are you going?" he called.

"Out. I have a date."

I was definitely lying but it was the only thing I could think of to explain the dress other than my jealousy.

"The hell you are."

"Let her go," Charlotte cooed.

"Yea, Yami. Do as she says." I mocked.

"How sad. She's pretty enough to be a royal, but she's still just trash," Charlotte snapped, clearly getting jealous at how Yami was just staring.

I opened the door to leave.

"Y/n!!" Yami yelled. "Where the fuck do you think you're going?! You are not to leave!"

I turned to him and laughed, "I'd like to see you stop me."

"You low-class whore! Show your Captain some respect!" Charlotte yelled while launching towards me.

I quickly made a blood dagger, and grabbed her arm. I spun her around and threw my arm around her neck, bringing my dagger to her throat.

"You attack me again, and I'll kill you" I hissed.

Yami was staring at me in shock, and as I looked behind him, I saw a small group of Bulls had gathered to watch the show.

I threw Charlotte back at Yami, and took off outside. Quickly mounting my broom and flying off.

Shit! What the fuck was that!? I could get kicked out for something like that!

A Bloody Mess: Yami x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now