42: New News

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I woke up in the hospital... again.

"Y/n, welcome back," the doctor huffed as she walked in. "I feel like we should just get you your own special room here in the medical wing."

"Yea, sorry about that," I mumbled.

"Don't be. Your visits are paying off my house," she laughed a bit. "How are you feeling?"

"Oh, uh..." I took a moment to sit with myself. "I actually feel fine."

"I figured," she said as she sat down. "Other than overusing your mana, I don't think you experienced any injuries. It seems you had a panic attack and that's what made you blackout."

I widened my eyes, "A panic attack?"

"They can be fairly common for people with trauma like yours. Not to mention your hormones are probably going wild, so I'm sure that doesn't help."

"What? My hormones?" I asked confused. I already understood the trauma aspect well enough...

"Y/n," she looked at me with concern. "Are you not aware that you're pregnant?"

My heart sank with her words, "W-what did you just say? T-that's impossible."

"Is it? Do you and Yami have sex?"

"Well, yea but—" she cut me off.

"Then it's not impossible. Y/n, have you not noticed you haven't gotten your period? You're over two months along now. 9 weeks actually."

If I wasn't completely horrified, I would've laughed, "That's how long we've been engaged."

"I was wondering why you used such a dangerous spell, so now it makes more sense. I already did a full checkup, no harm was caused by the overuse of your mana."

"T-that's good," I stuttered out softly, still in disbelief.

What was Yami going to think? What was I going to do? We have a war to fight... I'm still so young. I haven't made Captain yet.

What if this ruins everything we had planned? What if Yami leaves me? He didn't want kids anytime soon... We wanted to wait.

"Y/n," she called out softly. "Are you ok?"

I wiped the tears that had started to fall, "Yea, I'm fine."

She sighed, "Also, I double checked and the child is Yami's."

"Of course it is!!" I yelled at her angrily. "Why the fuck wouldn't it be!?"

She looked at me shocked, "It's ok, Y/n. After you were brought here from being captured by the Spade Kingdom, Julius told me the men that took you said they may have sexually abused you while you were unconscious."

"I checked you at the time and didn't see any signs of it, but I did a paternity test to make sure. I just didn't want you to have to worry about any of that. I was only trying to help."

I sighed loudly, "I'm sorry... No one told me about that. I didn't even know it was a concern."

She rested her hand on my shoulder, "I'm sure they we're worried about you. You've been through so much, I'm sure they just didn't want to add any more stress."

I nodded silently, feeling the tears returning.

"N-now what?" I asked her, avoiding eye contact.

"Well, for now, you're free to go. I won't tell anyone because I want to respect your privacy, but you won't be able to fight Y/n. Will you promise to actually listen this time?" she chuckled softly.

A Bloody Mess: Yami x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now