9: Introductions

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The dungeon was practically on the other side of the kingdom, so we had to stop in for the night. Magna led us to a cave on the side of a mountain.

"We'll camp here for the night," he declared.

We got to work quickly on a fire and began to warm up our canned dinners. The night was quiet and the sky was clear, showcasing all of its glory.

I took a deep breath, feeling the cold air line my lungs. I can't believe this is the life I get to live...

As the four of us began to settle down for the night, I offered to take first shift for lookout.

"Great, I'll join you," Magna added. "Noelle, Asta, get some rest. We'll wake you when it's time to switch."

They retreated further back into the cave to get some sleep, and I stretched my hands out towards to the warmth of the fire.

After a few moments in silence, Magna looked at me.

"Nice night, huh?" he asked.

"Yea, it's beautiful," I smiled while looking out the entrance of the cave.

"Y/n..." he trailed off, and I turned my attention to him.


He chuckled lightly, "Come on.."

"What?" I knew what he wanted to talk about, but I definitely wanted to avoid it.

"You and Cap, huh?"

I began to chew on my lip nervously.

"How long you two been hooking up?" he asked.

"We are not hooking up," I interjected.

His head tilted slightly, "Then, what did I see?"

"That was the first time we even kissed. So, not hooking up."

"Damn, really? I've never known him to move that slow with a girl."

"I've known him for like 2 full weeks..."

He chuckled, "Yea. Exactly."

Whoa, what? What's that supposed to mean?

"He usually just gets in and gets out, you know?" he added.

I just stared into the fire. I mean I figured. Like look at the man? He could get with anyone... But this is different. Right?

He laughed softly, "And I'm guessing you're usually the same way with guys right?"

I glanced at him quickly before staring back at the fire. I mean, yea, I guess I was. I wasn't really one for feelings and relationships. But it's not like I went around just fucking anyone and everyone.

"Y/n," Magna called, and I put my attention back on him. "Have you really thought about this? I mean he'll still be your Captain. Plus, he could get in some serious trouble for hooking up with a subordinate."

"Well, like I said, we're not hooking up." I shrugged.

"And what about when it gets to that point?"

"Look, Magna. I appreciate your concern, but Yami's going to talk to the Wizard King about it before things go any further. He said he'd have it all figured out before we even return."

"What!?" he yelled suddenly.

"Shhh! They're sleeping!!"

A Bloody Mess: Yami x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now