37: Departure

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About a week passed, and I was finally cleared to start training for real again. I couldn't wait to get started.

Julius had invited Nozel, William, and Yuno to come train with me for the day at the Capital's Headquarters. He wanted it to be supervised at first to ensure I could handle the intensity.

If I got hurt or passed out, he wanted to doctors on call, so I'd be here for the rest of the week. I was grateful Julius cared, but I was eager to leave.

There was a loud knock at my door.

"You ready?!" Nozel called. "We have training and you're late!!"

I rolled my eyes and got out of bed.

"Yea, yea," I mumbled as I opened the door.

Lunelle and I walked past him to head towards the training fields.

"I thought you'd be excited to finally get cleared?!"

"I am, Nozel. I'm just annoyed."

He jogged up to me, "Annoyed? Why?"

I rubbed my eyes, "I don't know. I feel like I'm not contributing to anything. I'm still just a burden, and we have a war to prepare for."

He rested his hand on my shoulder, "Y/n, you're a critical piece to this war. We'll need your strength and that's why Julius has called us all here."

I nodded softly, not believing him but not wanting to talk about it anymore.

"You ok? You look like you hardly slept," he asked me softly.

It was true. I didn't sleep at all last night, and I was exhausted. Yami had to leave to go back to the Black Bulls, and I never told him about the letter.

I never told anyone about my plan to go meet up with them...

Also, we hadn't told anyone about the engagement. I was so nervous about drawing anymore attention onto myself and away from battle preparations.

It had caused a huge fight between me and Yami. He was pissed about it actually, but I was feeling more and more guilty everyday about not contributing to the soon-to-be-war effort.

If we told everyone, they would want to focus on that, and I wasn't ready for it.

Julius was really shocked by it. I think he was even a little disappointed because he knew how upset Yami was.

Thankfully, they both accepted my wishes. Yami left Headquarters a few days ago, still absolutely pissed at me, and I hadn't talked to him since.

So, no, I am not sleeping... And yes, it is all my fault.

I sighed loudly, "Yea. I look like shit. I know. I just want to get this over with and go back to the Eagles."

He laughed, "Never thought I'd hear you say those words, but they're actually really excited to see you. They're so impressed by how you stood up for them."

I nodded silently, but that did make me feel a little better.

"Plus, no one can quit talking about your crazy spell that night in the Spade Kingdom."

I smirked, "Why? Didn't you tell them it was forbidden magic?"

"Well, no," he shrugged. "You'll be able to do it soon enough without that borrowed power, so there's no point in telling them."

I looked at him and smiled, "Thanks for believing in me."

He threw his arm on my shoulder, "Of course, you're my Vice Captain!!"

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