30: Plans

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**Yami's POV**

I watched Julius as he carefully crouched next to Lunelle, snuggling up with her. A sadness filled the room with his actions.

As Wizard King, he of course cared about everyone, but it was no secret he took a special interest in Y/n.

"We have to do something!!" Asta yelled, breaking the silence that had filled the room since we told Julius of Y/n's capture.

"Remember your place, boy," Nozel demanded.

Julius stood with a loud sigh, "I know I'm in a room full of Y/n's closest companions, but I want you all to know how dear she is to me as well."

"I see her like a daughter, something I've told her on many occasions."

My eyes widened at his comment, and there were a few small sighs and gasps from the others. I knew they were close, but I had no idea they were this close.

"So please know how serious this matter is to me. We need to make sure we go about this in the best way possible. We can't afford a mistake."

"What would you suggest?" Fuegoleon quickly interjected.

"Do you have any idea where she might be?" Nozel added.

William and Yuno also spoke up, offering their assistance.

It seemed like everyone had something to say, except for me... I could barely even breathe let alone speak. It felt like I was stuck in a nightmare.

As everyone spoke up and began to strategize, Julius kept his gaze on me carrying a look of concern and sadness that matched my own.

He cleared his throat to get the room's attention, "I believe Y/n is being held at their inner castle. It's where she spent most of her time during her mission."

"She often wrote about the people they captured and imprisoned there. That's where they kept any high-profile targets."

"If she's not, however, the Spade Kingdom will know that we're searching for her, and that could be quite detrimental for us."

Everyone nodded silently, annoyed that there was no easy way to protect her and bring her home.

"I just have to add in," Charlotte commented in a rather frustrated tone. "Would we be this committed if it were anyone else? Should we really spend all of our resources tracking one person when an entire village was just attacked?"

I glared at her sharply while taking a long drag of my cigarette.

"How could you say that!?!" Asta yelled loudly. "Y/n is special, but we would do this for any of our Knights!!!"

"I'm just saying, for all we know, she's already dead," Charlotte shrugged. "Seems we should be focusing our energy elsewhere."

I saw Asta getting ready to explode, so I quickly smacked him on the back of the head, "It's ok, Asta. No one is obligated to help us."

I looked back over to the rest of the Captains, "But you should all know I'm going after her, and I won't stop until she's home. With or without your help."

"Even if it costs your successful completion of duties as Captain?"

"Even if it costs me my life," I added sharply.

"And the Black Bulls are coming too!!" Asta yelled.

"As is the Golden Dawn."

"The Crimson Lions will be of service, too."

"And the Silver Eagles."

Charlotte scoffed, "I didn't think you'd be so eager to save a peasant girl that was forced as a leader of your squad."

Nozel turned to her quickly, "Y/n isn't some peasant girl... She's noble in heart and character. She'll make a fine Captain someday. And, more importantly, she's my friend."

He looked back to me, "I will do whatever I can to ensure her safe return."

Well, wasn't expecting that... Could definitely use his magic though, so I guess I won't kill him for eyeing my girl friend as much as he does.

Julius quickly intervened, "Good, that's settled then. We'll have members of those 4 squads track down Y/n and bring her back safely while our other squads focus on protecting the Kingdom."

"If we can get ourselves close enough to the inner castle, Lunelle should be able to track whether or not Y/n is there." William added in an attempt to refocus our conversation.

"How do we get there undetected?" Nozel asked.

Asta smiled brightly, "I have an idea!!"

"Alright kid, bout time you were useful," I smirked at him.

"Hey!!!" he whined loudly. "I'm always useful!!"


**Y/n's POV**

I woke up to the sunlight shining in my face and a throbbing in my head, the pain having worsened since the night before.

On the bright side, my hands were now cuffed and chained in front of me instead of behind, and there was a small plate of food waiting on the ground.

I quickly brought myself forward and began to scarf down the simple meal. They must have left this and recuffed me while I was knocked out.

As I was finally feeling more nourished from the food and water, I felt my hope and desire to live rekindle.

How can I get out of here alive? There has to be a way to escape. There's always a way.

First, my grimoire. Even if I did get out of this hell hole, I'd have to hope they left my grimoire at the outside of my door like they do for all the prisoners.

The Spade Kingdom wasn't too worried about people
breaking out. It was near impossible.

Even if you managed to get out of the room, making it through the castle, out the doors, through the highly populated center city, and then the country... well, it was unrealistic to say the least.

But I had to try.

I had the skills and the willpower... if I can just escape the castle, I can escape the country.

I needed to wait until nighttime where I could even use some of my forbidden magic if necessary.

I didn't want to, but if it meant making it out of here alive, I didn't have a choice. I had to get back to Yami, Asta, Vanessa, Finral... everyone who loved me and counted on me.

Even Lunelle. I hope they're keeping her safe.

I had a family now, and I wasn't ready to lose to them.

I knew I could easy break my handcuffs with a blood sword, but then what?

It would take a hell of a lot more than that to get past the lower ranked mages, dark disciples, and even maybe Dark Triad members.

So I had to be patient and wait for my timing. It would come, and when it did, I'd be ready.

Hold on, Yami. I'm coming.

A Bloody Mess: Yami x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now