27: Captain Nozel

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My first few days as Vice Captain of the Silver Eagles absolutely sucked.

I did nothing but train and spend time in the library. Nozel trained with me daily, and when he was finished, I trained on my own.

None of the squad members even came near me. It was so frustrating.

I forced myself to take my meals with them, but they were always silent and uncomfortable.

The worst part was, I don't even think it was because I was there... I just think they're like that all the time.

I had never regretted anything so much. But I made myself a promise that I would give it my all, so that's what I was going to do.

"You're too hesitant, you know that!?" Nozel called.

I rolled my eyes. Yea, I know. Yami has told me a thousand times before.

None of the Eagles would ever spar with me, but they sure loved to watch Nozel toss me around like a fucking rag doll.

"When you're fighting one-on-one, you're too focused on your shortcomings. Don't think about your weaknesses so much, concentrate all of your energy into your strengths. Put yourself on the offensive."

I nodded, letting his words really sink in. Whoa, that's actually some decent advice.

I took a moment to collect myself.

My strengths... What are my strengths in hand to hand combat?

I'm fast. Agile. And I can definitely take a hit.

So. Move quickly. Dodge. Land a hit. And don't worry as much about getting hit because you know you can bounce back.

I smirked, "That's real good advice you got there. Should've kept it to yourself."

I charged at him, throwing punches left and right. As he dodged, I noticed just a slight opening on his side.


I spun around and landed my kick directly into his ribs. I heard it knock the wind out of him just a little bit.

"It's about time you landed a hit. Guess it's time to take it up a notch," he smirked.

Take it up a notch?! Was he not at full strength?! Shit... I guess there's a reason why he's a Captain.

He walked towards me, looking unfazed yet unamused. He rapidly began throwing a series and punches and kicks.

I blocked and dodged them as much as I could, but his speed was increasing with every attack, and I felt myself losing ground.

He landed a single hit to my face, and I quickly launched myself backwards, doing a back handspring to create a large amount of distance between us.

I wiped my mouth and looked at the traces of red blood left behind from his hit.

"You're fast, but not faster than me," he smirked.

This cocky son of a bitch.

Take the offensive... his words replaced in my mind. Right. Let's go, Y/n.

I quickly rushed towards him, throwing the first punch. He easily blocked my arm, to which I retaliated with another swing.

I expected him to block it, but instead, he quickly dodged, making me lose my footing slightly.

He grabbed the back of my shirt as I stumbled forward, and used his force to chuck me to the ground.

I spun mid air and barley landed in time before smacking into the earth. I crouch low with one leg out straight so that Nozel was now towering above me.

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