The Water...21

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And so it's nearly been a year married and what an interesting year married.  We both toured at the same time so we were playing this game of touch and go. We'd go to our cities any break day we had we would meet up somehow stay together the night then get back on the road.

We did schedule a a few weeks to be together with Blue cause she definitely needed to be with us at some points. She was having fun going to some of the show and traveling it was a nice.

My show ended a few days earlier than Shawn so I got to go home first now we are waiting on Jay to get back. I just came off of tour with the a nasty stomach flu I still trying to get over. Blue goes to daycare and with her grandmas' which has been a life saver cause I am just throwing up and I can't handle her.

Today momma Gloria came over to help me make some soup because I needed relief from throwing up and just over all feeling horrible.  She just got here and I was helping her make the soup because she said I need to get up a bit.

"I need to go to a doctor its been a good while I have had this stomach bug, I am gonna go crazy", I started tearing up.

"You got it bad any other people from your crew got sick?", she asked me.

"No just me thankfully", she looked at me confused.

"So it's just you it's been how long?"

"About 4 or 5 days"

"Did you feel sick during the tour?"

"Towards the end its but I think it was just me getting nervous", I said.

"You and Jay what was you doing on the time off?", she asked.

"Bonding time, naked bonding time", I smiled.

"You know I forgot something from the store I'll be right back there is one close to your place. While that you think about your stomach bug", she grabbed her bag, "Once the soup start boiling add the vegetables please"

"Okay but what do you mean think stomach bug I wanna get over it", I said.

"I don't think its gonna be that easy", she answered.

What in the hell does she mean? This soup is gonna do the trick I just know it always helps. I'll wait though because once again I am going to throw up. The trash can next to me saved me but the smell made it worst. I saw the soup boiling and quickly threw in the vegetables waiting for the nausea to pass. I was so drained I didn't want the soup anymore I heard the door open I looked over.

"Jay is that you?", I asked.

"Yeah why does it smell like vomit", he said reminding me of the smell.

"I hate you", I said throwing up again the trash.

He ran over to me and I felt him hold me as I threw up, putting my hair back to avoid the puke in my hair.

"I feel like I'm gonna pass out", I said after I finished.

"I got you bumble bey", he picked me up and put me on the couch, "you feel light than you were a few weeks ago"

"I have been throwing up for quite a while thanks", I said sarcastically.

"Hey no need for attitude I'm concerned, wait whats on the stove cooking", he asked.

"The soup when did you get here", I asked.

"Just a few minutes ago I drove straight this way see you and Blue, I forgot to call", he explained.


"Shawn you're here too?", mama Gloria walked in.

"Yeah I just got here in time watch out it smells in the kitchen like barf", he warned.

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