Idiots Fall In Love...19

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"Blue if you keep running you gonna fall into the lake wait till the boat ride is over", Shawn warned.

"But daddy is fun", she said.

"I know but we don't want you fall or drown", he picked her up, "look at the siy how the colors are changing what colors you see?"

"I see yellow orange pink and blue", she said.

"Isn't it pretty?", Beyoncé added.

"It's pretty", Blue agreed.

"It may not seem like much but this is a relaxing sight it reminds you that time can feel like it passes slowly", I said.

"One day you're going to be super busy but always remember this moment, when you're at a sunset you're truly loved. You're always loved but especially at the sunset because if we are ever apart we all see that sunset. ", Jay added.

"Took the words right out of my mouth baby", I said.

"I know you more that you thing I haven't ever forgotten a thing about you", he said.

"Funny you say that because I haven't forgotten a single thing about you even after a coma.", I snuck a kiss.

Blue was a running away and I laughed before grabbing her. We sat for a good while there just snuggling together with a blanket.

We decided to make it back to shore seeing it was getting dark and we don't wanna risk getting stranded out here. I was ready to get back home and just relax, the cool breeze felt nice as it hit skin. Blue was getting cold so she snuggled her way into me with her blanket.

"I'm getting sleepy man", I said.

"Word I feel old it isn't even eight in the night", he said. 

"You did just drive a long drive obviously you're gonna be tired, this is nice it just us a little family. Our little family might be chaos and not typical but who cares we were together."

"Yes what is our is our it is not up for sale or for the public", he said. 

We made it off the boat and into the Shawn's house, the first thing we did was put Blue down she was tired. We then unpacked our stuff in the rooms so that way we didn't have luggage just scattered everywhere. After that Shawn brought me out to the back patio with the view of the water. He had some oldies going along with two glasses of wine for us to enjoy. 

"This is such a beautiful night it isn't extremely cold but it isn't warm either, fall truly is in the air.", I commented.

"Yeah the color on the leaves are changing so is daylight it's about to get hella cold again", he said. 

"You right about that"

Louis Armstrong's version of La Vie En Rose began to play, Shawn stood up and reached out for my hand. I gave him my hand and he helped me up, we began to dance along with the song. I had my eyes on him the entire time he didn't break eye contact with me. It wasn't uncomfortable in fact it was as if we were talking without having to talk. I laid my head on his should while we danced up until at the end he dipped me.

Once he finished and put me up he got on his knees, I stood there confused looking at him until he pulled out a ring.

"Here me out I know what I am doing is crazy if you say no I won't be offended or be mad. I just can't imagine my life without you, it terrifies me to even think of it. I nearly lost you before and I don't want to do that, you are my life line. Yes we have been together less than six months but we know each other so well that time doesn't matter to me. Will you marry me?", he said.

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