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Shawn apologizing because he is wrong yeah write this must be some sort of sick joke he is playing, he only cooked it isn't like he did anything else. I was waiting for our big discussion where he explains why he right and we move on. He ain't getting no damn baby I was hitting up my obgyn today sometime during work, I managed to get squeezed it. 

If he does want a baby he will wait until after this whole possible child situation is solved, I don't want to get pregnant and have him juggle between two different kids at once. I also don't want to regret jumping into a relationship way to early with him. We aren't ready for a baby or to make love when we don't know what we are doing. He just broke up with his damn girlfriend a few days ago, I don't think he is thinking things through.

I arrived to the office and headed straight up instead of investigating what was going on, I was gonna get the update from Dinah. I greeted a few of the workers and gave me the weirdest smile I was a little taken aback. Upon entering my office I knew what they were smiling at there were a few orchids on my desk 2 on each side. 

"I really do want to prove to you I am sorry, I know I messed up and I will make it up to you. Are you available Friday night?"- Shawn Carter

He might be actually serious but can you blame me for having doubts, ignoring that I have my favorite flowers now. The orchids scent filled my office and I was happy about that, I just feel a way. I don't know if I am supposed to be happy or mad but I liked he was trying to prove himself.

Baby mama👅: Thank you for the flowers I love them

Baby daddy🤑: You're welcome so Friday???

Baby mama👅:It's gonna take more than flowers honey you're getting somewhere

Baby daddy🤑: aight watch me convince you we going out Friday

"Good morning Ms. Knowles you ready for the update?", Dinah walked in passing me a cup of coffee.

"Yeah let's get the day started", I said.

"Production has started your line is being produced we will have the first set coming by Friday and the photoshoot is set for Monday", Dinah said, "besides that we have gotten the shipping supplies ready for everything the clothing department is ending the final sales we have right now. A few producers are reaching out to write music and have sent in songs for you to hear and maybe sing."

"Oh so exciting, where are the song tracks?"

"I got them on my laptop, don't worry I haven't heard them you have more coming soon", she assured.

"Alright lets play them", I said.

We heard the songs I had two songs that stuck out one Sia wrote  called Pretty Hurts about the pressure women have to be perfect, I already had a vision of what to do. Then there was All About That Base it was good sort of matched the idea but not nearly as good. I felt as if I was bashing skinnier girls I mean I am thicker now but this wasn't it. There were a few other options but not as interesting and it didn't match the album flow even if I really didn't have one.

"I need that Sia track, message her so we can get working on this as soon as possible", I said.

"Here is the contact information she sent, should I send anything to the ones you won't be working with?"

"Nah, I will respond later myself, now lets get to the daily papers I am going to be leaving early I have a doctors appointment. I'll be leaving around lunch time"

"Alright I'll make sure to get everything you need before you leave"

"Thank you."

She went into her office and I sent out emails to different producers for writing songs, I decided the best way to right this was a trip together so we can work off of each other. I sent out invitations to the Hamptons and to the studio left and right I wanted to experiment with writing music.

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