It Was A Storm...17

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Shawn Carter Pov

I was nervous for this process I was still wondering if the child was mine or not, there is no way for me to tell. I was safe maybe one time I slipped up but I was out of it I don't even know what happened that night, it could of been that night. I know that she was secretly with her husband now, I feel like a complete idiot.

They were driving me crazy being over the top lovey-dovey in front of me, like what are they gonna accomplish. I'll just call be and we can start making out right in front of you and showing you something genuine.

Her man was straight up mean mugging me every second acting like he could fight. I didn't care much though because as soon as a contraction hit she'd start a whole fight. It was a whole mess I am kind of glad to be watching, I was thinking about going live.

In one of their multiple mood swings I decided to call Bey and see what was going on.

"You ain't sleep yet?", I asked.

"It's the weekend who sleeps early boo I just started watching tv and now I am here at 2 am. Plus I am waiting for you... Actually nottt true I really hooked onto this show"

"Hahaha so funny you could be a comedian, these people wanna start an onlyfans in front of me then fight as soon as the pain kicks in. Mute yourself and watch I'm gonna walk in the room."

No surprise they began kissing right in the spot and being nasty, we get you can make babies. I flipped the camera and Bey was fake gagging she had me cracking me up. I grabbed my earphones and put them all.

"My eyes will never recover", she said.

"Neither mine"

"Aaahhh I hate both of you, I ain't popping out no more babies after this", she yelled.

"Who was the one who was the one who got off birth control couldn't keep her legs closed", her husband shot back.

Beyoncé and I looked at each other, she was screaming while I was holding in my laughter.

"Their marriage is in serious trouble"

"No kidding"

"But look who was it that wanted me to do that YOUUU I don't want to hear none of your mess. You can leave!!"

"With him here hell no"

"What you think I am gonna do somethings with her that's just tasteless, I barely even like her. I just stayed with her cause dhe got pregnant, she's not my type. If you scared she likes me that's your problem I can see why", I said.

"OUUU SHAWWWN WOOO YOU TELL EM, LET THEMMM KNOW", Beyonce was yelling, I completely forgot I was on FaceTime.

"Shut up you're hurting my ears", I said.

"The hell wrong with you, see you're mentally unstable."

"Now Donk Jr I hate to burst your bubble when you clear lost with that name, I am on FaceTime with my girl. Please don't disgrace that child with the name", I responded.

"His name is what oh I am screaming, I need to stop being disrespectful."

"You lying how a dude so ugly get a girl..."

"The same way I got your WIFE still wanting me. At least my name isn't Donk... a pretty boy with an ugly name get out of here"

"I am gonna kick both of you out of this room, if you don't stop all this yelling"

I returned back to my call with Bey and she was yawning it looked like she was getting tired.

"You getting sleepy it is like almost 3 am?", I asked.

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