Mommy Daughter Date...8

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I woke up to our flight attendant tapping our shoulder letting us know we were about to be landing. I went waking up everyone up except for Blue. I just got her in the seat next to me and kept her sleeping. Shawn woke up his girlfriend I didn't want to wake her up not knowing how she would react.
It was still early hours in Mexico it wouldn't be that hard for some of them to fall back asleep. As long as Blue stayed asleep everyone could enjoy going back to sleep once again. We landed within fifteen minutes of waking up, we didn't wait much to get off the plane. The next minute I was driving to my property I had down here.

"How far are we?", Stephanie asked.

"Like ten minutes the most, we'll be there soon", I said.

"Aight I'll hold it", she said.

I drove a little faster hearing her say that, I don't want to have my car ruined or her suffer. We weren't really talking but the silence was nice all of us were still pretty sleepy.
We arrived to the house I showed them to their room, I crashed into my room with Blue.

Hours later
"Mommy" I felt a slight nudge.

"Yeah baby", I responded opening my eyes.

"I hungry", she said.

"Come on let's go see if there is anything", I got up and stretched.

I realized we had nothing because it was so last minute I didn't get a chance to have someone stock up. I have a house keeper out here who also lives here, but she wasn't able to currently.

"There is nothing here, let's go out to the store and get food? Or you wanna sleep some more with daddy and Stephanie?"

"The store", she said.

"Let's get dressed and we can go", I said.

She followed me to the room and we got dressed for the day. I got in my too down that was waiting for me, I simply moved Blue's car seat. We were off to this grocery store nearby.

The food here was much more different, they had a lot more variety of fruits. We were stocking up because we were gonna be hear for the entire week. I know we gonna eat a lot if not my house keeper will eat it.

After that we went straight home to make breakfast Shawn had woken up and helped me bring the groceries. I made very simple stuff that couldn't be messed up even by the worst cook.

Blue was my taste tester and she liked my food so I knew it was good. I served some for all of us and saved some for Stephanie.

"What time is it?", Shawn asked.

"About to be 11 in the morning", I said.

"What time did you guys wake up at?", he asked.

"Around 9:30ish we went out and got groceries, how is the food", I said.

"Pretty good you are getting better at it", he commented.

"I have a daughter, I had to be able to cook for her it pushed me to try recipes. My mom taught me a few tricks to make better food, that had helped me", I said.

"Keep learning you're doing great, what we doing today", he said.

"I don't really know it's a beach and relax day, I didn't schedule anything because I knew I was gonna be tired today. We can go to the beach and the shops today, and there is a petting zoo not too far from here", I told him.

"Sounds good, I don't want t to be doing the most, what about tomorrow", he said.

"We going on Jet Skis, Mini boats, and Paddle Boarding... We also going scuba diving/ swimming. I am thinking today on going on a mommy daughter lunch date and getting our nails dome here I know a good place.", I said.

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