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"I don't want to land that means I am back to reality, let's go back throw in an extra week", I said.

"hey at least you're not going to a overbooked work week", Shawn said.

"You right so is Blue going with me or you?", I asked.

"She's going with you for the week I did promise you that, I am going to deal with my girlfriend."

"I hope everything goes well for you, and that you can get to a happy place."

"Thanks I was thinking we can do something every week or every other week where it is just us three together. She can have a little family bonding time."

"I like that idea, and the idea you want to spend more time with me", I joked.

"Who wouldn't want your Beyoncé."

"Aww thanks."

The flight attendant approached us to warn us we were going to be landing, I took that time to wake up Blue and prepare her. She wasn't the most happiest waking up but she was quiet staring us down. When we decided to eat something together before leaving each other a part of us wanted to stay together. We ate some pizza from our favorite pizza place in New York it never failed to be the best pizza ever made. We said goodbye after that.

Shawn Carter

I was arriving home feeling all sorts of emotions I have been suppressing while I was on vacation with Bey and Blue. I got a control of it when I got to my door Stephanie might be here on in her place, she will be mad. She didn't once respond to my texts I got left on delivered she might of moved back into her place.

I unlocked my door to see a bunch of letters on the ground, I picked them up and put them on the table. I set my stuff to a side and walked around my house seeing if she was around and there was no sign of her. I decided to open the letters and see what was in it, they were blank envelopes.

I was extremely disappointed and confused, they were pictures of Stephanie with another dude doing all sorts of things. He was holding her pregnant belly like it was his well clearly I have been played here. This girl got a whole other boyfriend and side dudes who knows whose child is that, if he's mine I am keeping him.

She out here doing all these charity fundraisers working with kids while living a double life doing all this nasty stuff. I took a picture of everything and sent it to the company and corporations she worked with along with others that might think of hiring her. I am mad I have all reason to be mad, how dare she do this to me and the others.

I noticed the other paper had a link so I went to check it out, it was a link to a twitter of hers that was hidden in plain sight there was even more. I noticed she had just tweeted about being with her boo in her place. I was livid and excited to visit her before I walked in I took a deep breath to gain some control.

One thing is remembering she is possibly with someone and I can't do anything she is pregnant. If she wasn't pregnant I would not put my hands on hair, I'd just get Solange she my hate me but she hates cheaters. She'll teach her lesson laugh a bit then say she is sorry for me. I walked into them making out on the couch, their reaction to me was quite hilarious I got a picture of it.

"I am not going to fight it is over just one question, is the baby his child?", I asked.

"It is mine get out of my wife's house", he said.

"Wife? The hell!! Where were you these past six months she was with me non stop, I was inside of her. She was just in Mexico with me three days ago, you know what enjoy her take these pictures of her with other dudes while you at it.", I threw the envelopes to him laughing and left.

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