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"Thank you mom for being willing to help me take a bath, I needed this so badly", I said.

Yes my mom is helping me take a shower she's helping me shave my legs and stretching them out, I can't stand for too long. We are taking it step by step for right now I am busy getting my hair washed and in good condition. It isn't dead it is kind of ina weird state but we fixing it and my hair gotten really long. 

"Anything for you Bey and we got to keep you stretching if you want to get out faster", she told me.

"Yes I don't want to be here a long time I want to get home start my life again", I said. 

"After your done showering you'll be reunited with Blue and a part of you will be filled."

"I am so excited I miss my little baby girl I need to see her soon or I'll crazy", I washed the product out my hair. 

I finished showering and my mom helped me get dressed they actually allowed me to wear clothes instead of the gown. Kelly and Michelle had visited me earlier and caught me up to date with some of my other friends it was fun talking. Kelly is not pregnant although she is trying so I wasn't that off, it was funny telling them that. It was nice catching up with them and hearing all of their crazy adventures.

The only condition I would have to change during the tests they were gonna do in the future. I had a brain function test, one test to help me walk, and some simple to check my heart. I was able to walk back to the bed with the little walker they provide it felt weird not really knowing how to do it. 

"Mommy? Mommyyy", Blue ran up to my bed and I picked her up. 

"Blue Blue oh baby I missed you, I am so sorry I wasn't with you", I attacked her with kisses.

"Mommy here now", she patted my shoulder.

"Yes and as soon as I get out of here we going to have a lot of fun together doing mommy daughter things", I said.

"Yayy we go park, we go icecweam, and pway dolls."

"Yes Blue", I held her tightly. 

"You know daddy?", she asked. 

"Yes I do he was here earlier, how do you feel about him?", I asked.

"He give me candy", she gave a thumbs up, "And nini she funny"

"Why is she funny?", I asked.

"Her belly big", she stuck her arms out.

"I heard you know why her belly is big?"

"She pweg nant" 

"Yes that mean she's gonna have a baby that is how my belly was when I was going to have you, it was really big", I said.

"A baby?"

"Yeah and that is gonna be your brother or sister did they say if it was boy/girl", I asked.

"No they say shh"

"Oh ok you will know eventually", I said. 

She then began to tell me everything I missed in her tiny sentences my little girl grew up so much I can't believe it. I feel so bad I wasn't there for her during everything I imagine it was tough for her. I am going to make it up to her as much as possible starting right now. Shawn came into the room slowly for no apparent reason is was funny.

"You know we don't bite right?", I asked him. 

"Yes I didn't want to interrupt or be mean", he said.

"You're good I was just catching up with my little princess hearing all her stories", I said.

"She has so many stories I wonder if she makes them up", he laughed a bit. 

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