Chapter 19

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Hey guys! 👋🏾😁 I know I'm late with the update but that's y'all fault 😒. Gave me no time to even start the next chapter. Since the last one was too easy I'm giving y'all bigger goals to reach. 50 votes and 40 comments for the next chapter. 


Changed as of 1/27/2021

****All I'm asking is that we get 30 votes for this chapter in order to get the new chapter. I know I have lost some faith in my readers for my very dodgy writing career on wattpad. So I won't give you such a hard goal to reach (yet😉). From here on out, you guys will determine the rate at which these updates happen. If you really love this book and would like to see more of it, VOTE! Also comment, it shows that I'm writing to more than six people and you all do in fact like the book. It takes literally a few seconds so once you've hit the end, vote and encourage others to do it as well. ****


"The fuck? Yo Leah? You seen my phone?" I already looked everywhere and couldn't remember where I put it. Damn I need to stop drinking. 

"It's on the bed," she called from somewhere. I went into her room and saw my phone lying face down. I picked it up and opened it. I had two missed calls from my mom's phone. I knew it wasn't her because she'd blow my phone up when it's her wanting something. So it had to have been Mani. 

"Did you hear my phone ring?" I turned to her stepping out of the bathroom in a towel and drying her hair. 

"Uh no? I was in the shower. Why?"

"Nothing. I gotta go."

"Rushing off to the girl you left me for?" she quipped. 

"Shut the fuck up Leah."

"What? I mean I know we'd never be anything Bryson, I've been dealing with you for too long not to know that. You've cut many girls off but never me. Didn't hurt my feelings but was shocking. I know you Bryson and I know that no matter what we always kept are thing going. I knew it had to have been someone you were fucking. What happened to that?"

"Mind your business Leah," I sighed. "It was just some shit that ain't work out. Don't worry about it. I'm back."

"Mhmm," she gave me a look. "Bryson I've known you since BEFORE the Haynes name. Whether you believe it or not I've seen you in many transitions in your life. I know when you're not okay. You think I haven't noticed your lack of-"

"Aye!" I snapped. 

"You're not into it anymore. That much I can tell. The only time that's happened is when you started fucking with Nadia." I tensed at her name. "Still can't even say her name huh? Well Bryson, until you learn to move on all you're going to do is hurt yourself. And continue hurting other people just because you're hurt. You're also rash so I'm sure you did something stupid."

"The fuck? Leah Imma fuck you up."

"Ooh did I struck a nerve?" she smirked. "You act like this when you feel guilty but don't want to admit it. I've seen it. Your 'I think I fucked up' mood is in full affect. I sure as hell don't want to be around it so you're free to go. I've got a date to get ready for."

"What date?" I asked curiously. She hasn't been on a date since her ole dude died 5 years ago. 

"Aht aht! You in my business don't do that. It ain't with your big head ass so dip shorty."

"Since when you talk to me like that?"

"Since now. I'm the real big homie so you can try me if you want."

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