Chapter 6

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"Who was that?" I asked Erica as I walked up to her. We were meeting to have lunch and discuss some things. I was glad I didn't miss her talking to a very tall and handsome man in a business suit just now. 

"My colleague Henderson," she laughed. "It's not like that so stop giving me those crazy hook up eyes."

"I'm just saying. He looks fine as fuck."

"Everyone is fine to you."

"New York just got some fine niggas. Maybe it was a good thing I didn't grew up here. I would've had everyone's baby."

"Girl," Erica pushed me as we laughed. "Considering how safe you are I doubt that."

"True true. No babies for this mami okurttt!" She gave me an annoyed face while I laughed. "How's mom?"

"You would know if you call or go see her." We crossed the street to the cafe she wanted to go to. "Seriously Rhi, you two need to talk."

I sighed. "I know but...every time I go over there I feel guilty. Yeah she has her house but she lost her art gallery because of me. She went through so much and put so much work into it for so long. And here I come, crying about my unfair life and take it all away from her. I feel so bad." We went up to the counter and ordered, stood off to the side, and waited for our food to be finished. 

"She doesn't hate you Rhi. Nor does she blame you. Yes, she may be a bit disappointed not to have the gallery anymore but I know she's happy because she took a chance on your life. Her life was hard that came out to have some rewards. But the best reward was having you back." We got our food and sat down. 

"You think?" I asked. "She really won't hate me?"

"You? Never. Me? Probably." We shared a laugh. "How's Essence doing? I've been so busy with cases we can't always meet up and see each other."

"Speaking of that hoe," I said. "The bitch got a man! And lying about it."

"What?" Erica laughed. "You know I was kidding about the guy she held hands with right? You know Essence-"

"No listen," I said. "Remember she told us what happened to her in school?" She nodded. "One little detail that she left out, was the guy that's been hanging around her is Demetrius!"

"The boy that saved her?"

"Yes! This is fate or something because what are the odds? She's playing like she doesn't like him. Lies. Probably just as in love as he is. I hope they get together. They're cute."

"For someone who doesn't like relationships you love meddling in other peoples lives."

"Mean," I tossed a sugar packet at her. "And I didn't say I don't like relationships. I just don't want one. I was on a leash my whole life and never got to experience anything. My only relationship was like beaten record playing over and over. It was nothing more than an unwritten and spoken contract. We'd date, get married, have kids, and be stuck with each other for the rest of our lives. But I'm out now so I get to do the things I didn't do. That relationship was a pain and I was hurt but not enough to quit dating altogether. I just don't know what I want and want to figure it out."

"Awe okay. I just thought you were having a late hoe phase."

"Well that too," I laughed. We sat around and talked some more before she had to go back. I finished the outfits I've been making and already delivered a few to clients. I was finally able to make a payment which I'm so happy about. I even have extra cash on me. I wonder if Essence is up for going out to a nice restaurant for a best friend date. 

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