Chapter 12

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Bryson's cute little sister in the mm if you all forgot ☺️☺️☺️


"I can't believe you," I mugged Erica. "I cleared my entire schedule to spend the day with you and you cancel on me?!"

"I know I'm sorry," she said. "But I'm needed for an important conference."

"You don't love me," I sniffed and pouted trying to get her to feel bad.

"Girl you are so dramatic," she rolled her eyes but chuckled. "Besides, there wasn't much of a schedule to clear in the first place."

"I resent that," I mugged her.

"It's true. And it's not like you can't find something to do to entertain yourself. Did you forget Essence and Crystal?"

"Essence is still ducking me because she knows I have no problem letting her know when she's making a mistake. She doesn't even like this guy but is convincing herself she does. And Crystal is busy with planning her kid's birthday party. So you see, you ruined my day by canceling." She stepped out of her room and rolled her eyes. I raised my brow because she looked pretty dressed up for a meeting. "Damn that, where the hell are you going?"

"A meeting like I said."

"You look too cute for a meeting with them old folks. You either going on a date or trying to impress somebody." I raised my brow as she turned away looking a bit flush. "Ooh you do like someone?!"

"No crazy. This is a meeting and nothing else. I told you. Anyways, I'm gone. I'll likely be gone all day. See you tonight."

"Bye lying ass hoe." Erica laughed as she sashayed out the apartment. Yeah her ass is going to meet some man. She put on her good perfume and jewelry and her clothes were a little too fancy and form fitting. I'm going to get to the bottom of that.

For a bit, I just sat in the apartment scrolling on social media. Even though I'm outgoing and friendly, I don't really fool with a lot of people. Before Essence I was all I had since I knew I couldn't trust the 'friends' my dad got me. I did slip into a bit of the wrong crowd but even then I wasn't particularly friends with those guys. They were merely a distraction. Essence and Crystal are honestly the only people I've ever considered a friend. Sucks for those times where they're busy and I'm not and in need of some company.

My mind briefly drifted to Bryson. After the first time we hung out I kind of got a bit of cold feet. I'm not going to say that it made me like him or anything but considering it wasn't a terrible time I got a bit worried we were moving away from what was discussed. I feel like I'm being paranoid for no reason. I chewed my lip as I looked at his number. Besides Essence and Crystal, he's the only person I felt comfortable hanging out with. "What's the harm in calling?" I muttered. I pressed call and waited. He didn't answer. I called again and the same thing happened. "Could he be mad at me?" I questioned. He has tried hooking up a couple of times and I kind of blew him off. Maybe he's upset with me for ignoring him and our deal.

After debating with myself for a bit I decided to go to his house. I sent a text letting him know I was coming over. What's the harm in seeing if he's okay and possibly fuck him up for ignoring me? Plus I could use some head right about now. I locked up the place before heading to my car and driving off. The drive was surprisingly decent and I got to his place quickly. I got out and saw his cars were here. I walked up to the door and rang the doorbell. He opened the door and looked at me shocked and confused. "Why are you-"

"I called you you know. Twice. And sent a text."

"Oh," he said. "I don't have my phone on me. I'm actually busy with something so-"

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