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Hey guys! Just letting you all know the next chapter has been completed and I will continue a few chapters ahead. So I'm encouraging you all to meet those goals! I'm sure you'd all love to see the side of Bryson I was able to conjure. You also get to see who I'm using as a model for Hector. Trust me, he's fine fine😉. 

And also a few things I'd like to say. I'm going to change the voting goals. I realize it may have been a bit excessive so to help you all I'll decrease it to 30. From then on the vote goal will increase by 5 for every chapter until the end. The comment goal will increase by 10 considering I have some die hard fans commenting all throughout the chapter (you guys are amazing and I love reading your comments lol) making this goal very easy to reach. 

Also, it would be excellent if the 'please update' comments be minimal. You all are now in control with how fast/ frequent updates become. New chapters will not be introduced until the goals have been met. I know all of you can only vote once so try rallying as many people as you can to read and vote. I love writing but I'd like to see more than a handful of people giving feedback. Feedback helps me as a writer to understand what you all like. Your enthusiasm and love for my writing encourages me everyday to give you my best work. 

I have so many more stories to give to all and I hope you understand. Once we get through this I have something I know you'd all love! Keep voting and showing love. You guys are great!

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