Chapter 22

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"Girl I love it even more in person!" My client gasped as she looked at herself in the mirror. "I never thought I would find something that would actually fit me correctly. You are a god sent for bigger women."

I smiled proudly. "Being a big girl myself I know how much are market needs cute clothes for our bigger sistas. Nothing generic like these companies like to do. Clothes that enhances a woman's confidence."

"Yasss queen!" I laughed at her. "Have you thought of a brand name for your clothes? It has to be really dope!"

"Still thinking."

"I was on your page the other day." I flinched at what she said. "I've been seeing a lot of hate the past few days. Is everything okay?"

"Just petty drama."

"I figured that. Whenever I get an outfit from you it exceeds my expectations and anyone I know who comes to you says the same thing. I actually cursed out some of the naysayers when I was on there."


"Hell yeah. You're my personal fashion guru. As long as you keep up the great work I'll defend you until the last. All the times I've ordered from you, you never disappoint. All I ask in return is to be the first one to know when your store is open so I can shop until I drop."

I smiled at her. I swear. I have some of the best clients ever. Once she was satisfied with everything she already began planning the next outfit she wants from me. Saying something about a wedding and want to be as unique as possible and more than willing to show off my work.

As I left her place my phone began buzzing. I knew it was nothing more than the hater army doing everything they can to belittle my work. I've been trying to do everything I can to delete or block them but since my other website is public all they have to do is create a bunch of dummy accounts.

It's stressful because it's already affecting my income. Some clients don't want to deal with the drama and others are too scared to even order from me. Even strangers began trashing my work. It's very disheartening seeing all my hard work going down the drain. And it's all because of that damn Bryson.

At first I didn't get it. I didn't understand why a bunch of strangers were bashing my work when I did nothing to them. But I picked up on it quick. The only connection I have with these women is Bryson. I just can't figure out why though. Why would he do this? Does he hate me that much?

I felt tears rolling down my face. I quickly wiped them away as I got in my car. But they kept coming back. I'm so fucking stressed and frustrated. It's hard enough with the past I have to get ahead. I already have to live off my sister just to breathe over the mountain of debt I'm in. I have to work three times as hard just to come out a little ahead of the curve. This isn't just some game this is my life. And I can't live it with his hoe army destroying my reputation. What did I do that made him do this?

I pulled out my phone and looked at his number. I had been debating on calling him. Only reason I haven't is because I'm not all too sure of how I'll react. I want to curse him out but I'm afraid my emotions would get the better of me and I'll end up crying instead. But with each passing day of this I get even more pissed.

Erica told me not to worry. Saying she'd handle all the people spreading false rumors about me. She doesn't want me to confront Bryson simply because she's not sure how he'd react. With the way I'm feeling I don't give a damn how he feels or how he'll react. This is my dream and he's trying to destroy it. Just as I mustered enough courage and anger to call, he called me instead. At first I was a bit stunned. I didn't expect to receive any communication from him. But once the shock wore off I immediately got pissed.

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