Chapter 3

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"This line is long as hell," Essence whined as we stepped out of the Uber. I swear, this girl looks for and finds any and every reason to not have fun.

"Of course it is. This is the grand opening of Trap House," I said feeling pumped. I've been waiting for this club to finally be open.

"Trap House? Who names a club that?" she asked with her face scrunched up.

"The owner?" I said sarcastically just to be an ass. She mugged me on the side. "But don't worry about the line. I got the hookup." I looked at the bouncer for tonight and flashed him a smile. I met him at the owner's other club and he's been chasing me for the longest. I've only given him enough attention in case I needed a favor. The most he'd ever get out of me is one date though that wouldn't be a date. "Let's get some drinks," I told Essence.

"Okay!" She was smiling and looking around. I knew she wasn't a complete stick in the mud. And as always when we're together, we got a bit reckless with the drinks. We were tipsy at most but I intend to get fucked up. "Bitch it's my hood rat jam!" Essence hit me when City Girls came on. We went to the dance floor twerking and two guys came up to dance with us. The fact that Essence continued to dance proved she had a little too much to drink. She's good for stopping mid-dance and mugging whoever just steps up to dance with her. "I'm going to get something to drink," she said afte a few songs.

"Okay!" Me and my dance partner kept at it for a few more songs. When a slower jam came on I decided to take a break too. I headed over to the bar and didn't see Essence anywhere. 

"Damn ma, you just leave me like that?" The guy who I was dancing with came up behind me. 

"My bad," I laughed. "I thought you were going to walk away like your friend did."

"Nah that nigga rude as fuck that's all. Yo! Bartender! Can the lady get some service?"

"Sorry," she smiled coming up. I thought there was a male bartender here earlier? "We just lost a server and a little overwhelmed."

"It's no problem hun," I smiled. "Get me something strong but sweet."

"Hennessy, straight." I smirked as she walked away. "What's that smile for beautiful?" he smirked at me.

"Nothing," I chuckled sitting on the bar stool. In the light I could see him a bit better. His eyes were beautiful and I can just barely make out a few tattoos. "So you're just going to invite yourself over to have a drink with me without introducing yourself first?"

He chuckled. "My bad ma.  My name's Mar."

"Rhi," I said shaking his hand. We sat at the bar drinking and talking. He was a nice guy and I'd much rather see what that mouth can do. "So-" I was cut off by the sound of gun shots. It caught me by surprise and I didn't move for a second. 

"Oh shit!" The guy grabbed me and immediately pulled me out of there. I jumped back to reality when I realized Essence was with me. 

"Wait!" I said trying to pull away and go back inside. "My friend's in there!"

"Damn. Iight, stay by my car. I'll go look for her. What does she look like?" I gave him a description of her and made sure to point out she was in the same kind of dress I was wearing. I stood by his Audi nervously. I hope she's okay. My phone started ringing and I saw it was Essence. "Oh my god! Are you okay?!"

"Yes I'm fine," she sighed. "Just a little shaken up." I nodded, understanding why. "I'm on my way to the hospital to get checked out."

"What? I thought you were okay?"

"I am for the most part. As I was coming down the stairs I lost my balance and now my foot is hurting."

"How are you getting there?"

"A...friend is taking me."

"Friend?" I raised my brow. "Bitch you don't have any friends."

"Fuck you. It's more of like a frenemy thing."

"Don't be lying to your friend," I heard a deep voice in the background peeking my interest. "Act crazy if you want to princess."

"Shut the fuck up," she snapped. "And don't call me that shit. Aggy ass."

"Ooh bitch you know I'm going to want to know everything that happens right?"

"Nothing. That's what happened. We're pulling up now. I'll call you back."

"Alright. I'll hang out a little more in case you need me to come get you."

"Okay. Thanks. Be careful boo."

"You too." The guy came jogging back. "I just talked to her. She's on her way to the hospital now."

"She cool?"

"Yeah she just slipped and hurt her foot. Do you mind dropping me off somewhere to get some food? I didn't drive."

"Yeah let's go." He opened the door for me and made sure I was comfortable before going to the driver's side. We drove a little away to this diner. I expected him to leave but he stayed and bought us food.

"Trying to sneak a date?" I smirked. 

"Am I that obvious?" He grinned at me. He was so fine. I really want to ride his face. "I mean you can," he smirked wider. 

I blushed. "I said that out loud didn't I?"

"Yup," he chuckled. "Just saying, the offer is up there."

"I may just take you up on that," I chuckled. We continued talking and light flirting. I have to say that I like being in his presence. "Hold on this is my friend," I said answering my phone. "Hey! Are you okay? What did the doctor say? Am I going to have to fuck somebody up?"

"I'm fine Rhi," she said.

"You sure? Because I don't mind-"

"I said I'm fine Rhi," she laughed. "I fell going down the stairs. Think my ankle's sprained. I'm going to get checked out by the doctor real fast. And yes, I will call you when I get home okay? See you later."

"You sure you don't need me to come get you?"

"I'm sure. Have fun. Because I know you've got a dude waiting on you."

"Bye," I laughed not denying it. 

"How's your friend?" He asked while taking a sip of his drink. 

"She's fine. Sprained ankle. She's tough and stubborn so I'm sure she'll be okay."

"That's good. I was a bit worried myself when I didn't see anybody that matched your description."

I smiled at him. "Thanks for looking anyways. Most dudes would've just left."

"I'm not most dudes," he shrugged. I smiled but didn't say anything. "You ready to go then? Since your friend is alright."

"Yeah let's go." 

"So where am I taking you now?"

"I don't know," I said slyly. "I was thinking about taking you up on that offer?"

He glanced at me with a smirk. "Is that right?"

"Yup," I said rubbing his thigh making his little man stand at attention. He groaned while I smirked. "If you think you can handle it."

"I'm going to fuck you up," he growled making me laugh. 

"I can't wait." Yes I'm being a hoe but do you think I care? No. I'm young and single now. I take the necessary precautions every time I have sex so I don't slip up. I don't sleep with every guy I meet but I do flirt around in case. I haven't had any in a while and with all the stress, I needed something to take my mind off of it all. 

Tell me what you think! Mar in mm. 

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