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I got home finally, I thought the new kid was cool just, he heard things of me it's quite obvious.

Oh yeah I forgot to say some people call me 'Dream' I don't know cause I'm dreamy or some stupid shit like that.

"Hey mom," I walked through the door and took my shoes off "how was your day?."

She came through the kitchen door which was on the other side of the long hallway.

"Hey honey, I've had a good day, what about you?."

I nodded "yeah I've had a good day, where's Drista?"

"She's gone to her friends for the night."

"Isn't it a Monday?" I questioned

"Yeah, but this friend goes to the same school."

I rolled my eyes, the other day she said I couldn't go to Nicks because I had school the next day.

I went upstairs and turned on my pc.

I played minecraft with Nick, Tommy and Tubbo till 1am.

I forgot about what happened with George.


I heard a annoying ringing going through my ears.

I put my hand under my pillow and moved around to find my phone, I found it and tried opening my eyes, "Darryl?," I thought "why is he calling me?."

I accepted the call and sat up.

"Hello?" I yawned.

"Hi George!," he said in his joyful tone, "get ready we're going to the cafe."

I got out of bed and looked around in my wardrobe.

"Mhm" I mumbled.

"Maybe we can talk about that whole Clay incident."

"Oh yeah that happened and why would we need to talk about that?"

"I dunno," he said. "I guess it's just odd, I thought he was rude and stuff."

"Well, he seems like a chill dude," I say while moving clothing hangers, looking for something half decent to wear. "He's probably just being followed by that 'oh sir popular hot guy' stereotype."

I was still looking around some more till I found a black pair of jeans, a grey supreme hoodie along with black and white checkered vans.

"Yeah, anyways get ready soon me and Zak already left," he said "bye" You could hear his smile, he never frowned or cried because he's never scared, he sticks up for himself and his friends and that's what Zak most likely is mesmerised by.

I put my clothes on then went to the bathroom to brush my teeth, after doing so I washed my face with some water to wake me up a bit more, I'm not to much of a morning person.

I grabbed my bag, "bye mum, love you." I called. She was asleep well she does work a night shift I didn't blame her.

I walked to the cafe, I saw it on the other side of the road, i crossed it and then Zak ran up to me.


I raised an eyebrow then I remembered.

"What did he do now." I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"He's just...," he finished "Him!, George you have to help me get out of here!."

I grabbed him by his sleeve, and dragged him back into the cafe.

"Hey you muffin I thought you left me."

"Yeah eh, sorry I had to take... a call?." Zak rubbed his neck.

"Oh I hope everything's okay." Then he held Zak's wrist to help him sit down since Zak was just frozen there.

"Hey George!."

"Hey bad, what you doin'?."

"Nothing, sit we need to order something I'm starving."

I sat down on the opposite side of Zak and Darryl, look I was doing Zak a favour.

We looked in the menu then decided what we wanted.

A woman walked up, a waitress I'm guessing she had long brown hair, tanned skin and chocolate eyes, she had soft freckles and soft pink lips.

"Hey, I'm Natalie ,what would you like to order this lovely day?."

I looked up as Darryl ordered "hello!, may I have a chocolate muffin and a peppermint latte."

Zak pitched in, "uhm hey can I have a large chocolate chip cookie and a hot chocolate."

"May I order a crossont and a peppermint latte, like my friend."

She nodded and was writing it all down, "anything else?."

We all shook our heads "no thanks, that's all."

The Waitress walked away and then a man walked up, "ayyy Zakie boyyyyy."

It was Wilbur, "hey Wilbur what's up?."

Zak was kind of mixed into our group of 2 and there popular group of 10.

"Nothing much, hi George, hi Darryl.

Darryl waved and smiled "hi Wilbur, how are you!."

"I'm doing good thanks, you?."

"Doing great."

I just sat there, I didn't mix well with new people, "hi Wilbur." I cringed.

Wilbur looked at me then looked back at Zak, "what you doing here Wilbur?."

"As you can kind of see Zak I work here."

Zak rolled his eyes playfully "okay mr money."

Darryl looked like he wanted more of Zak's attention as he just sat there.

"Well I need to go more people are walking in, who I know." He grinned, "alright bye Wilbur." We all waved as he walked to the other group, it was Clays group.

After a good 30 more minutes it was finally time to walk to school.

"Right we should get going now." Darryl stood, me and Zak followed.

Clay and me had eye contact for a split second before Zak grabbed me, "come on."

852 words

Sorry that this chapter wasn't really DNF I just wanted to introduce more people that are in this fanfic :>

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