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First off all WHAT THE FUCK I HAVE OVER 600 VIEWS THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH! I honestly hope you all are enjoying the story, remember to stay hydrated and to eat!.

"Are you in love with Clay?."

"W-what?." I stuttered

Those 6 words hit me because... I don't know, am I?.

"You heard me George." She raised her voice a bit.

"Nat, babe, no of corse not, I love you," I put my arm around her and whispered in her ears "and you only."

She hugged me back with tears forming in her eyes, "I- I thought that You was going to leave me." She choked through her tears.

I pulled away, wiped her tears and pulled her back into a hug, kissing her head in the process.

"I love you George."

"I-I love you to Natalie."

I do love her, right?.



I sighed as I walked through the door only to see Drista and her best friend.

"Hey Clay!," Drista smiled "whatcha up to?."

I rolled my eyes and handed her $10, "that should be enough for you two to buy pizza, now scram I'm busy."

"Thank you so much dear brother of mine."


I sprinted up the stairs, grabbed black boxers and my green hoodie then went in the shower.

After my shower I got changed and turned on my pc.

I grabbed my clothes, folding them then I heard paper crumble in my pocket, I took it out.

It was a red leaflet, it had golden s starts printed all around the sides, there was golden writing 'Crestview High Schools Talent Show.'
There was more written under it 'Chrestview wants to see your talent, from singing to dancing to playing the instrument or even dancing!. We want to see it all, signup at Mr Cockcrofts classroom before Wensday!'

I look at the other side of my room, my guitar.

I did want to write a song for the talent show but how do you write music?.

I groaned knowing I was going to know to bother Drista in the middle of her sleepover.

I knocked on her door.

"What Clay!?" She yelled.

I went in.

"Look, sorry just, I'm trying to write a song and-."

"Oooo a song what's it about?." Her friend asked.

"That's what I need to find out, you guys got any ideas?."

"Uhm.... maybe write a song about a girl~." Distra trailed off.

Uh, yeah, not happening.

"Or maybe your dream girl!," Her friend finished for her "like maybe a girl you wish you could date, like a type!."

"Not thinking about girls at the moment guys." I laughed, only if they knew.

I actually never even thought of that, what is my sexuality?, I would have to find out more, I know there's more then Bi and Gay.

"Oh Clay, you were sad the other day."

Why in front of your friend.


"What if, you make a song about your mental health or what's causing it."

"Well there actually is this person..."

"OMG OMG OMG," the girls squeeled, "TELL US TELL US."

I laughed and sat down, they sat down in front of me.

"So, this person...there special I didn't meet them that long ago, they have the most amazing hazel eyes, fluffy, bark brown hair, perfect jawline, the most faintest of freckles and the softest, pinkest lips I have ever seen, I want them so bad.There supportive, they act tough but there so soft on the inside, it's like a cookie, it has a hard outside layer but on the inside when you bite into it or in this case get it to trust you there softness shows, you know it's there but they won't show it."

He stopped daydreaming and blushing thinking about the man.

"You should ask them out!." Distra said all hyped.

"Yeah they are probably so into you, Clay!." Distras friend chipped in.

"I...I can't."

"What why not?."

"There dating a girl..."


"Oh there lesbian?." Distra frowned.

"That sucks man," Her friend also frowned. "Good for them tho right?"

"No, girls...," Clay brought up all his might, "I'm gay."

Distra jumped and so did her friend, we all have each other looks.


"Woah woah woah girls, calm down," they sat and zipped each others lips, "It's a school talent show not a bloody song for you guys to add to your playlists and cry about."

"Okay then make it pitchy," Dristas friend said "like something that would be in a joyful musical."

"Exactly what I was thinking!."

"Well thanks," I stood up "I think I'll do that then and Drista please don't tell mom, bye guys."

I shut the door, behind me.

"I had some time thinking, that song about George, I could play it at prom if I win! I'll play that song that was in my dream at the talent show, I should start mesmerising how to play it on guitar then preform it at the talent show." I thought to myself.

I should get started.

896 words

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