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I was walking in the hallway with Wilbur and Tubbo,they were looking for Tommy but I guess we got lost into conversation.

I saw that new kid I bumped into yesterday, he was alone just wasting his free period on a book.

"Hey, I think Tommy is in the cafeteria, if not I have no idea but imma head out."

"Okay,bye Clay" Tubbo called.

Wilbur waved goodbye and then I walked up to George, I believe his name is?.He looked up as I stood there.

"Oh,hi Clay." He put a ruler in between the two pages and shut the book.

"Hey,wanna go to the cafeteria with me?," I asked, he seems uncomfortable, "you don't have too if you don't want to, I just saw you reading a book and I have nothing else to do, soooo..."

George smiled "yeah sure let's go."

We walked next to each other in the hallway, I felt all eyes on me and George but I was used to it, I wasn't sure if George was though.

"Just ignore them," I whispered "you'll get used to it."

He nodded silently, this was getting awkward.

"So George," I said "where's Darryl and Zak?."

"I'm honestly not to sure,probably fucking each other somewhere."

I couldn't help but laugh, people always tease Zak about Darryl but In a playful way but I'm pretty sure people use the ship to piss Darryl off, it was confusing to me but I keep quiet.

George chuckled along.

"What book was you reading?." I asked.

"IT, it's a horror book about a clown and a group of kids, I'm on chapter 19."

I nodded along, "cool, I don't really read but I do like the book Romeo and Juliet." I lowered my voice, I didn't want people to know the fact I read, especially read romance books.

"So mr tough shot reads romance," He smirked "don't worry,I won't say anything."


We walked into the cafeteria and got food, surprisingly there was decent food, pizza and fries for that matter. (Oh my god I'm a British human writing an American story from an Americans POV god please help me.)

We got our food and I sat next to Nick, George looked over at me and then looked at Darryl who was calling him over, he walked up to me.

"Hey I got to go to Darryl, thanks for talking to me though" He smiled.

"No problem, I'm always free if you're being a loner again."

He nugged me "oh Fuck off will you." We both chuckled.

He waved bye at me and I waved back, Nick stared at me.

"New dude seems cool."

I looked down at sick and sat back down, "he is, I guess I haven't really talked to him yet."

"We saw him in that cafe right, he looked like he was having fun," Nick said while munching on his fries, "invite him there, get to know him."

He devoured a pizza slice after saying that.

"Maybe, I don't know." I shrugged.

I looked over to George's table, it looked like he was trying to read while Zak and Darryl was shouting from across the table from each other, you couldn't hear what they were saying but you could hear there voices.

George rolled his eyes then was shouting something at the two.

"Clay?," Nick repeated "what are you looking at?."

I looked at Nick as he attempted to follow where I was looking.

"Meh a random space." I said while eating the food that was in front of me.

"Yeah I think I'll ask him,what's the worse that can happen?."

630 words
A lot Clay a lot and this is where the plot starts >:) (well next chapter.)

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