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Me and George came back from the super market, Natalie and Nick were setting the car up, you know blankets and crap.

We were walking back from the store and I realised the sudden warmth.

"It's getting warm isn't it?" I mumbled to George who was holding the bags.

"Kinda," he smiled "Anyways we should speed up, we don't want them guys waiting for us."

He said all of this gently.


We got back in a comfortable silence.

"Right so George you and Nat are at the back and Me and Clay are at the front."

"Oh right..." he sounded kind of disappointed, maybe he wanted the front, ya know more romantic.

"Okay you two," Nick pointed at Natalie and George "no making out."

George laughed and Natalie blushed.

I laughed,sarcastically.

"Right let's just go..."

The rest of the night was stuttle, no kissing, no making out, just a sleeping woman and me, George and Nick.

I went home and went to sleep almost immediately.

In the morning I had to get to school an hour early due to football practice, we had a match at the end of the week and I wanted to win it.

I left a message for my mom and left, I met Nick at the bus stop.

"Hey Clay!" Nick waved.

"Hi Nick" I yawned it was to early for his energy.

"Come on, cheer up," he pouted "Clay pweaseeeee."

"George will be there..." he trailed of in a smirk.

"George!?." I shot up out of my sleepy mood and Nick just laughed.

"You- you thought." He spat out through laughs.



We finished football practice earlier then expected, the team got Toast and Pancakes along with coffe to deal with the rest of the day.

I walked towards George who I saw in the distance talking to Tommy.

"YOU DATE A WOMAN?." Tommy yelled from the top of his lungs.

"Yes." George laughed.

"HOLY SHIT!," Tommy screamed just as loud, he lowered his voice into a sarcastic whisper, a loud whisper though, "not gonna lie I thought you were dating dreamy boy over here."

I walked up and saw George cover his face and blush, "alright Tommy scram."

"Ahh, big D mah friendddddddd."


"Yeas gogy?."

"Fuck off."

Tommy made a face, "alright, I'll leave you and your boyfriend be, by any means." He chuckled.

"TOMMY!." A loud British voice called.

"Shit it's Wilbur, cya guys." Tommy sprinted away.

"Jeez I'm glad that ove-"

Wilbur ran up towards us.

"have you guys seen Tommy by any chance?"

"For fuck sakes," George muttered under his breath "he's in the bathroom."

"Thanks George, bye!." He ran off.

"Anyways," he laughed I laughed along, "why you here so early?."

"Football, you?."

"Meh, got bored."

"Right, well wanna walk together, I heard there was something new on the news board."

"Your so boring, Clay." He chuckled.

"Whatever, you accept?."

He grabbed my wrist and pulled me, "lets just go."

We talked about minecraft then saw the bored.

"Talent show, yay" George cheered sarcastically.

"Wow that's actually pretty cool," I admitted "maybe I can play a song, I can write it!."

"Wait you write songs?," he was generally shocked, "wait that's actually pretty ho-."

He stopped there turning into a red.

"Pretty, cool!." He finished.

The bell went.

"Right i gotta go cya Clay!." He sped-walked off, what's up with him?.

I just went to my next lesson, he's probably tired.


School wasn't half bad I talked to Darryl and Zak, turns out the idiots finally started dating.

Tommy was in disbelief about my girlfriend, and said some...weird stuff but moving on from that, I said something luckily I stopped myself from saying.

Natalie texted me while I was walking home with Clay.

My phone pinged.

"Who's that?" He asked.

"It's...Nat, she said 'meet me at the park, don't bring anyone with you, we need to talk.'"

"That's scary-."

"It is, have I done something Clay?."

"No, well not from what I know."

"Ugh, I keep fucking up" I put my head in my hands and sighed.

"Well I need to walk past the park, I'll take you there and George don't beat yourself up about it, it's her loss."

"Yeah, it's probably nothing serious anyways."


We got there, I waved goodbye to Clay and approached Natalie.

"Nat, are you okay?, what's happened? Are you hurt?."

"No George, I need to ask you something and don't lie to me."


"Are you in love with Clay?."

761 words
I hate cliffhangers ;-;

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