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Sorry this is posted like 10 minutes after the last one I just want to get the next chapter out and you guys need to do something, read the chapter there is only 500+ words and then you guys get to pick what George does.

As always enjoy and thank you all so much for all the support I love you all :D



Me and Clay stayed up for 30 minutes talking, I went asleep on the classic bed we made on the floor.

I set my alarm to 6AM, I was going to ring Natalie and apologise, for everything. I didn't want Clay to be awake for it, something bad could happen or be said.

I jerked awake, I immediately turned off my alarm so I don't wake Clay and his family up.

I wiped my eyes and groaned, I texted Natalie.


Hi Nat, are you free to call?

And just like that she called me, my ringtone buzzing through my ears.


"Hi Nat, look I'm so so sorry, your right I've been shit and I-... I think it's the best if we... Break up..."

"To be honest George I agree," her smile shone through her voice, was she faking it? "I've always knew you liked Clay."

"Well, no one said about that." I laughed she giggled along.

"I'm going to be honest with you George, I think we would be better as friends, I kind of saw you like that but I told myself to love you and I thought I did."

"Oh my god same, Natalie it's not your fault, you are fantastic and one day you'll find the perfect person."

"I hope so, you already found yours." You could hear the smile in her voice, I turned to look at Clay who was snoring, "yeah...yeah I have...wait..."

That's when I released, it wasn't a silly crush or someone I wanted to have a fling with... I don't just like him.

I love him, I love Clay.

"George? Are you okay?."

"He's...he is my person."

"You just now recognised this? Jeez George your slow on everything."

"Oh shut up Nat."

We both laughed for a bit.

"Hey George?"

"Yeah?" I responded.

"I'm sorry."

"Sorry?" I repeated.

"Yeah, I'm sorry, sorry for outing you, it was such a bitchy move. I know i can't take back what I said but I can promise I won't do it again."

I was speechless,to be honest I didn't expect a apology.

"Thank you, Nat," I smiled "and I'm sorry too, I should've ended this ages ago but I decided to be a dickhead and kept that... whatever it was going."

She chucked a bit "no worries I'm just glad that's over."

The two fell into a comfortable silence, I looked at clays unconscious, sleepy body once more.

"Well still wanna go prom? Ether way your allowed, students from other schools are."

"I mean I already got the day of work so yeah I'll go."

"Phew, I don't think I'd be able to get there all by myself." I yawned.

"One condition..."

"Uh oh."

"you HAVE to let me style you for Clay!."

"Natalie I don't know-."


"SHHHH, okay okay I will just SHHHH."

"Your at his house aren't you?."

"Yeah... not in the same bed though jeez."


We fell into a comfortable silence, I was listing to Clays soft snores.

"When are you planning on telling Clay?."

"What we broke up or my feelings?."


"I'll tell Clay about the break up probably after prom and he already knows how I feel..."

"Wait, he does?."

"Long story."

"MKAY well BOYY you BETTER tell me."

"Okay," I giggled "okay."

"Well I'll leave you now, we've been on call for 20 minutes."

"Alr bye Nat, cya after school, wear a dress it will attract the men or women or its."

"What!?." She laughed.

"Look I'm careful with my words." I laughed along.

"Right bye George."

"Bye Nat."

I looked over at Clay and shook him lightly.

554 words

should George...

A. Tell Clay when he wakes him up.

B. Tell Clay after prom, or after he sings depends but he's still gonna tell him ether way.

remember this is on you guys I'm picking whatever has the most people rooting for it.

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