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Yes yes I posted this a bit early, I'm glad you guys are enjoying the book!!

I felt a pair of soft semi-warm lips touch mine, our lips moved in-sync, my heart stopped in its place, I wasn't thinking, I was to occupied to be thinking.It just felt so...right.

George moved his hands under my shirt and traced his fingers around my abs, I moved my hands to this thighs and picked him up and placed him on my lap, he gasped at the sudden movement leaving room for me to stick my tongue in.

He moved his hands to my neck and stuck his tongue in to, there wasn't one place in Georges mouth that I didn't miss.

I bit his lip, he moaned.At this point I'm out of control.

I moved my hand onto his neck, I didn't grip it hard, it was quite soft actually.

I moved him under me on the bed, my hand still on his neck. I kissed him again for a minute, this time a bit more aggressive but it still held passion.

I moved down to his neck and looked up at him for permission.

He nodded hesitantly. "Hey Georgie if you wanna stop, I'm cool with it."

"No, no I'm-."

He stopped his eyes widened, mine did to.




I immediately move off of him leaving him room to sit up, he shot up.

"OH MY GOD CLAY- I'M SO SORRY ITS ALL MY FAULT I- I SHOULD HAVE NOT LEANED IN AND I-." He was breathing heavily, his chest rose up and down followed by paints.

"George no no no, it's both of our faults I am NOT letting you take all the blame."

"Y-yeah b-oth." We were both in deep shit, I can't believe we forgot another Natalie, I may hate the bitch but no one deserves that.

There was a bit of silence with both of our worried breaths filled the room, we're so lucky I didn't give the fucking hickey.


"It's George leave a message beeeeep."

"Hey George, I'm so sorry I overreacted at the park, I completely understand that you want to spend time with Clay...I love you, maybe we could go out tomorrow or the day after, I'll take you on a picnic! You've been the best boyfriend this past month that hasn't screwed me over, Again I love you ring me when you see this, love you mwah."

I sighed and put my phone down on my bedside table.

"He's probably upset... he hasn't answered any of my texts...or calls." I mumbled to myself as I moved to my balcony. I took a shakey breath as I looked into the night sky.

"Why doesn't this feel right..., why do I feel like I'm doing the wrong thing."

I felt a tear fall down my cheek. I do truly love George but...something keeps nipping at me telling me he's not the one.

I want him to be though, I want George so bad.So why can't I have him?

I feel like Clay has something to do with all of this... but George promised... George said he loved me... George said...

I stopped.

He lied.

He lied straight to my face.

He doesn't love me...

I kicked the fence of my balcony and dropped to the floor, pouring my heart out.

Why... why...

Me and Clay at on the bed, him on the end and me on agents the headboard.

"George I-."

"Clay stop apologising, your right it was both of our fault your not the only bad person here."


"I think... I think we should go to sleep, I'll just find some blankets and stuff and go on the floor." I rubbed the back of my neck.

I wish this night didn't happen but... I'm happy it did, every touch, every single fucking movement, when he touched my neck,when he was about to give me love bites,I want it,I want it all.

"So uh- I might as well get it and uh I think the pizzas cold but it's better that way."

"Are you insane?," I said almost seriously "pizzas 10x better hot."

"Cold is better."

"I'm not arguing with you Clay, hot is better and that's final." I slipped out a little giggle afterwards.

"Whatever you say." He smirked walking out.

I'm happy we could at least try to cut the tension in the room, I let out a laugh and looked at the cold pizza which was on the other desk by his bed.

I took a bite, "huh, he wasn't wrong it's okay but I stand by my word."

He came back I helped him set up my bed on the floor.

"Goodnight Clay."

"Goodnight George."

I think after that little make-out session, we both know how we feel for each other, but we fell at the wrong time, he has his Reputation and I had Natalie there both in the way... but I do have to admit Natalie hasn't been bad to me, she doesn't deserve any of this.

Guilt soon stabbed me as I fell asleep.

866 words

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