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We shut the door behind us I let out a relief sigh.

"That was so fucking awkward."

"Awh Clay don't be like that, they were nice, Drista was....interesting?"

"Oh tell me about it, and 'hands- I mean a helping hand'." I smirked at him, he knew I knew what he was about to say.

"Yeah a HELPING HAND, my brain had a typo."

"Right, are you sure I'm not handsome?" I smirked and saw Georges face drop.

"You are very much...ugly." He turned his face, holding back laughter in the process.

"Wow I am offended." I say dramatically.

"Good!" He huffed.

I walk up behind him and make him turn around, where did all of this confidence come from?

"Uh, sir I have a girlfriend."

"And I have a test."


"Meh I thought we were listing things we could cheat on."

"Wow VERY original," he rolled his eyes "Just give me some spare clothes to change in."

I tossed some black boxer shorts and a lime green hoodie.

He caught them, "I'll be in the bathroom" he says and leaves the room.

I decided that I should set Georges bed up on the floor, I go into the airing cupboard and grabbed two thick covers and a pillow.

I placed both of the thick blankets on the floor, one acting as a mattress and the other just used to cover him and I placed the pillow down.

"Meh that should do."

I heard the bathroom door open, George enters, all of the clothes being a bit baggy on him, his smooth, pale legs looked so skinny with the huge boxers on, the hoodie devoured him, he was technically drowning in it, it was cute.

"Okay I'll go get changed." I go out with sweatpants and a shirt in my hand.

Clay walked out of the room, I felt warm and fuzzy in his lime green hoodie, the boxer shorts were quite baggy on me but not as baggy as the hoodie.

I look down at the bed that he created on the floor, it looked decent, I guess.

I got in to see what it would be like, definitely not my cup of tea and I'm British that says something.

But it could probably do for the night.

Clay walked in, woah is all I could think of.

His grey sweatpants, GREY SWEATPANTS, were kinda baggy on him and dropped, if he put his arm us up and his white shirt could instantly show his stomach and V line which from the look of the shirt being thin, he had ABS.

This was a bad idea.

"Oh you're already going to sleep?."

"Nope, just bored."

"Ah well," he stretched his arms up, fuck, "we could just watch a movie, hop on my bed for while, I know it's small but it's not like your sleeping in it or anything."

Oh he had abs all right, his tanned skin showed, also revealing the rim of his underwear.

I glanced back to Clay, "uh- I mean sure."

I move onto the bed and be sat next to me, putting the covers over our legs, my legs did feel kinda cold, he turned on his PS4 and turned on Netflix.

"What you wanna watch?."

"You." I said confidently.

"What-!?." He said all flustered I turned to look at him, his face was pure red.

"The Netflix show, what did you think I meant?." I teased, laughing in the process.

"Your such an idiot George." He chuckled and lent his shoulder agents mine.

"Fine okay, that may have been a joke that show is boring as fuck, let's watchhh... uh... hey look the new annabelle is on here!."

"Yeah, wanna watch it?."


"And by the way George fuck isn't boring." He says while clicking on the film.

"Whatever, how am i supposed to know."

"What you never had sex?."


He started to wheeze.

"Well have you?."

"No, I wouldn't be surprised if you had to be honest."

"Oh well I haven't, we're 17?"

"Correction you're 17"


"Shut up Clay just turn the movie on."


He turned the movie on and we started to watch.

835 words

Hey thank you all so much for all the support! I honestly couldn't ask for more, I love you all.Remember to eat and stay hydrated!.

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